Corporation - Description - 2021-08-20 08:33:29 - Live Ticker



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-Conquestum Ad Libitum +u'Conquestum Ad Libitum
-•Knowing that the fight may be over before it has begun, I seek to engage others only on my terms. +\u2022Knowing that the fight may be over before it has begun, I seek to engage others only on my terms.
-•I earn my own ISK and buy my own ships and supplies. I may share from my abundance with less fortunate Frauders, and I may accept their largesse in turn. I split loot equitably with my gangmates, being especially gracious with those who have suffered material loss. +\u2022I earn my own ISK and buy my own ships and supplies. I may share from my abundance with less fortunate Frauders, and I may accept their largesse in turn. I split loot equitably with my gangmates, being especially gracious with those who have suffered material loss.
-•I appreciate the opportunity of flying with my Frauder comrades, thereby multiplying target opportunities. Frauders learn from one another and Frauders learn by doing. +\u2022I appreciate the opportunity of flying with my Frauder comrades, thereby multiplying target opportunities. Frauders learn from one another and Frauders learn by doing.
-•I respect all my opponents, win, lose, or draw. I always volunteer a "gf." I am free with my praise and criticism with a receptive foe. I invite those with promise to consider becoming a Frauder. +\u2022I respect all my opponents, win, lose, or draw. I always volunteer a "gf." I am free with my praise and criticism with a receptive foe. I invite those with promise to consider becoming a Frauder.
-•I relish opportunities to win a ransom, as prudence allows. If I am given the ransom I demand, or if I accept a ransom offer, I will honor that ransom. I will clearly communicate the terms and time limit of any ransom, and honor those terms before re-engaging a target. If I accidentally kill a target after receiving a ransom, or if I receive a ransom after having destroyed my target, I will return the ransom immediately. +\u2022I relish opportunities to win a ransom, as prudence allows. If I am given the ransom I demand, or if I accept a ransom offer, I will honor that ransom. I will clearly communicate the terms and time limit of any ransom, and honor those terms before re-engaging a target. If I accidentally kill a target after receiving a ransom, or if I receive a ransom after having destroyed my target, I will return the ransom immediately.
-•I don't talk smack. My actions speak for themselves. +\u2022I don\'t talk smack. My actions speak for themselves.
-•I don't engage in consensual PVP (1-vs-1s or duels), for I wish to engage others only on my terms, and other pilots may be dishonorable. But as for me, should I ever accept a 1v1 or a duel, I shall honor it. +\u2022I don\'t engage in consensual PVP (1-vs-1s or duels), for I wish to engage others only on my terms, and other pilots may be dishonorable. But as for me, should I ever accept a 1v1 or a duel, I shall honor it.'

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