Corporation - Description - 2011-08-20 08:02:17 - Live Ticker



Old New
-We're a corporation looking for more members. For now, we will be sticking to solo and group mission running and other forms of income-generating activites. In a few months, once we generate enough income, we will be EXPANDING into PvP and low-sec activities. +We're a corporation looking for more members. For now, we will be sticking to solo and group mission running and other forms of income-generating activites. In a few months, once we generate enough income, we will be expanding into PvP and low-sec activities.
 +What You Can Expect:
 +-Growing Corporation Hangar where you can get equipment and ammo
 +-Free PvP Rifter Replacement
 +-A fun, active, friendly group of players
 +-Fun Activities, including practice battles, group mission running, and mining operations
 +-A growing ore buy program
 +-Promotion and officership, if you prove yourself worthy
 +What We Expect:
 +-Friendly, semi-mature attitude
 +-Complete our basic PvP rifter within your first two weeks
 +-Limited API Key and User ID
 +-Nikolai Alino
 +-Octavia Olacar

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Resources 2011-08-20 08:02:17 Corporation Description
Corporation Crimson Horde Member 6
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API J:27 Mar 15:50 K:27 Mar 15:55 C:27 Mar 16:36 A:27 Mar 16:33 O:04 Jun 11:15 F:27 Mar 16:28 S:27 Mar 15:51 W:27 Mar 16:06