Corporation - Description - 2013-01-21 08:35:00 - Live Ticker



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-We are the Matari, 
-We are the Strong, 
-We are the Republic. 
-We fight for the Republic, 
-We kill for the Republic, 
-Our clones are unlimited, 
-Capsuleers with a cause, 
-We are Privateers. 
-Strategically Stone and Inebriated Privateers Corporation is founded on Honor, Blood, Drugs, and Alcohol. We fly together, we fight together, and we fight for the Minmatar Republic...we are Faction Warfare.  
-Please join the "NTOX Public" for Q&A about the Corporation and our Cause. 
-We are a Faction Warfare corporation fighting on the side of the Minmatari Republic. There are restrictions however to joining this corporation. 1.) 5mil SP is required, 2.) 1 pilot per player which means an API displaying ALL characters on the account you are joining with must be supplied, and 3.) Must have TS3 in order to join on comms for fleet ops/roams and any time while flying/residing in the LowSec FW areas. +We are the Matari,<br>We are the Strong,<br>We are the Republic.<br><br>We fight for the Republic,<br>We kill for the Republic,<br>Our clones are unlimited,<br>Capsuleers with a cause,<br>We are Privateers.<br><br>Strategically Stone and Inebriated Privateers Corporation is founded on Honor, Blood, Drugs, and Alcohol. We fly together, we fight together, and we fight for the Minmatar Republic...we are Faction Warfare. <br><br>Please join the "NTOX Public" for Q&amp;A about the Corporation and our Cause.<br><br>We are a Faction Warfare corporation fighting on the side of the Minmatari Republic. There are restrictions however to joining this corporation. 1.) 5mil SP is required, 2.) 1 pilot per player which means an API displaying ALL characters on the account you are joining with must be supplied, and 3.) Must have TS3 in order to join on comms for fleet ops/roams and any time while flying/residing in the LowSec FW areas.

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Resources 2013-01-21 08:35:00 Corporation Description
Alliance White-Lotus Member 0
Corporation Strategically Stoned and Inebriated Privateers Member 2
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