Alliances & Corporations

Sov | All | DeadAlliance Ranking - Sorted by number of members [13736]

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    Alliance Systems Members Corps
9201. Roam's Serious Business Roam's Serious Business 0 0 0
9202. ROAMA. ROAMA. 0 0 0
9203. ROC. ROC. 0 0 0
9204. rock Alliance rock Alliance 0 0 0
9205. Rock Bottom Industry Rock Bottom Industry 0 0 0
9206. Rock Hard Revolutionaries Rock Hard Revolutionaries 0 0 0
9207. Rock Paper Lasers Rock Paper Lasers 0 0 0
9208. Rock Paper Turret Rock Paper Turret 0 0 0
9209. Rock Rats Alliance Rock Rats Alliance 0 0 0
9210. Rock Sniffing Rock Sniffing 0 0 0
9211. Rock the Khamez Rock the Khamez 0 0 0
9212. Rock'N'Holers Rock'N'Holers 0 0 0
9213. Rock'N'Holers Rock'N'Holers 0 0 0
9214. Rockhopper Industries Rockhopper Industries 0 0 0
9215. Rocky Mountain Secure Holdings Alliance Rocky Mountain Secure Holdings Alliance 0 0 0
9217. ROFL Citizens ROFL Citizens 0 0 0
9218. Rogers' Rangers. Rogers' Rangers. 0 0 0
9219. Rogue Alliance Rogue Alliance 0 0 0
9220. ROGUE Citizens ROGUE Citizens 0 0 0
9221. Rogue Conglomerate Rogue Conglomerate 0 0 0
9222. Rogue Elements. Rogue Elements. 0 0 0
9223. Rogue Empire Rogue Empire 0 0 0
9224. Rogue Empire. Rogue Empire. 0 0 0
9225. Rogue Group Rogue Group 0 0 0
9226. Rogue Intentions Rogue Intentions 0 0 0
9227. Rogue Intentions Rogue Intentions 0 0 0
9228. Rogue Method Alliance Rogue Method Alliance 0 0 0
9229. Rogue Miners Rogue Miners 0 0 0
9230. Rogue Nation. Rogue Nation. 0 0 0
9231. Rogue Raiders Rogue Raiders 0 0 0
9232. Rogue Repairs Rogue Repairs 0 0 0
9233. Rogue Republic Rogue Republic 0 0 0
9234. Rogue Star Alliance Rogue Star Alliance 0 0 0
9235. Rogue Templars Rogue Templars 0 0 0
9236. Rogue Trader Alliance Rogue Trader Alliance 0 0 0
9237. Rogues 'n Rascals Rogues 'n Rascals 0 0 0
9238. Roid Addicts Roid Addicts 0 0 0
9239. ROID Enterprises ROID Enterprises 0 0 0
9240. ROID Syndicate Alliance ROID Syndicate Alliance 0 0 0
9241. Roids'Are'Us Roids'Are'Us 0 0 0
9242. Rokh Star Super Group Rokh Star Super Group 0 0 0
9243. ROL.Citizens ROL.Citizens 0 0 0
9244. Roll Deep. Roll Deep. 0 0 0
9245. Rollback to 2012 Rollback to 2012 0 0 0
9246. ROLLED IN. ROLLED IN. 0 0 0
9247. Rolling Heavy Rolling Heavy 0 0 0
9248. Rolling Safe Rolling Safe 0 0 0
9249. Rolling The Dice Rolling The Dice 0 0 0
9250. Rolling Thunder. Rolling Thunder. 0 0 0
9251. Roma Imperium Roma Imperium 0 0 0
9252. Roman Galactic Empire Roman Galactic Empire 0 0 0
9253. Romanian Space Agency Romanian Space Agency 0 0 0
9254. Romanian Space Agency Romanian Space Agency 0 0 0
9255. Romans Romans 0 0 0
9256. Romans Romans 0 0 0
9257. Rommels Industrialists Rommels Industrialists 0 0 0
9258. RONA Alliance RONA Alliance 0 0 0
9259. RONA Directorate RONA Directorate 0 0 0
9260. Ronin Alliance Ronin Alliance 0 0 0
9261. Ronin Oni Alliance Ronin Oni Alliance 0 0 0
9262. Ronins Ronins 0 0 0
9263. Rookie Empire Rookie Empire 0 0 0
9264. ROOT Alliance ROOT Alliance 0 0 0
9265. Root Theory Root Theory 0 0 0
9266. Rooz Monsters Rooz Monsters 0 0 0
9267. Rorwii Alliance Rorwii Alliance 0 0 0
9268. Rose Alliance Rose Alliance 0 0 0
9269. rotten attitude rotten attitude 0 0 0
9270. Rotten Radioactive Penguins INC. Alliance Rotten Radioactive Penguins INC. Alliance 0 0 0
9271. RouchNecks. RouchNecks. 0 0 0
9272. Rouge Intentions Rouge Intentions 0 0 0
9273. Rouge Syndicate. Rouge Syndicate. 0 0 0
9274. Rough Necks Rough Necks 0 0 0
9275. Rough Necks Rough Necks 0 0 0
9276. Rough Riders. Rough Riders. 0 0 0
9277. Roughneck Regulators Roughneck Regulators 0 0 0
9278. Roum Corporation Alliance Roum Corporation Alliance 0 0 0
9279. Round Table Assembly Round Table Assembly 0 0 0
9280. Rowdy Horde Rowdy Horde 0 0 0
9281. Royal Amarrian Sovereignty Control Royal Amarrian Sovereignty Control 0 0 0
9282. Royal Bengal Syndicate Royal Bengal Syndicate 0 0 0
9283. Royal boubies of pinata Royal boubies of pinata 0 0 0
9284. Royal Commonwealth of EVE Royal Commonwealth of EVE 0 0 0
9285. Royal Confederation Alliance Royal Confederation Alliance 0 0 0
9286. Royal Cross Empire Royal Cross Empire 0 0 0
9287. Royal Flush. Royal Flush. 0 0 0
9288. Royal Imperial Navy Royal Imperial Navy 0 0 0
9289. Royal Imperial Navy Royal Imperial Navy 0 0 0
9290. ROYAL IMPERIYM Alliance ROYAL IMPERIYM Alliance 0 0 0
9291. Royal Kapital Group Royal Kapital Group 0 0 0
9293. Royal Roader Royal Roader 0 0 0
9294. RRTS Phoenix Legion RRTS Phoenix Legion 0 0 0
9295. RSSA-Alliance RSSA-Alliance 0 0 0
9296. RU-SPACE RU-SPACE 0 0 0
9297. Rubber Duckees Rubber Duckees 0 0 0
9298. Rubber Duckies. Rubber Duckies. 0 0 0
9299. Rubber Room Rubber Room 0 0 0
9300. Rubicon Industrial Consortium Rubicon Industrial Consortium 0 0 0
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