Alliances & Corporations

Sov | All | DeadAlliance Ranking - Sorted by number of members [13727]

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    Alliance Systems Members Corps
2501. Cruor-Salax Legion Cruor-Salax Legion 0 0 0
2502. Cruoris Imperium Cruoris Imperium 0 0 0
2503. Crusader Alliance Crusader Alliance 0 0 0
2504. Crustwhore Industries - The Buttered Personage Crustwhore Industries - The Buttered Personage 0 0 0
2505. Crux Cartel Crux Cartel 0 0 0
2506. Cruzaders Interspacial Alliance Cruzaders Interspacial Alliance 0 0 0
2507. Cry Havoc. Cry Havoc. 0 0 0
2508. CryoGenesis Mining Syndicate CryoGenesis Mining Syndicate 0 0 0
2509. Cryonic Origin Alliance Cryonic Origin Alliance 0 0 0
2510. Cryonic Origin Alliance Cryonic Origin Alliance 0 0 0
2511. Cryptic Immortals Cryptic Immortals 0 0 0
2512. Cryptic Immortals Cryptic Immortals 0 0 0
2513. Cryptid CoFederation Cryptid CoFederation 0 0 0
2514. Crypto Aliiance Crypto Aliiance 0 0 0
2515. Crystal Erdian Crystal Erdian 0 0 0
2516. Crystal Lights Crystal Lights 0 0 0
2517. Crystal Planet Crystal Planet 0 0 0
2518. Crystalline Dawn Crystalline Dawn 0 0 0
2519. Crysterion Paradigm Crysterion Paradigm 0 0 0
2520. CS.R Counter-Strike CS.R Counter-Strike 0 0 0
2521. CT Itersteller Tritan Industries Alliance CT Itersteller Tritan Industries Alliance 0 0 0
2522. Ctrl Alt L33T Ctrl Alt L33T 0 0 0
2523. Ctrl.Alt.Elite Ctrl.Alt.Elite 0 0 0
2524. Cube Alliance Cube Alliance 0 0 0
2525. Cucarachas Enojadas Cucarachas Enojadas 0 0 0
2527. Cult of Fate Cult of Fate 0 0 0
2528. Cult Of The MooCow Alliance Cult Of The MooCow Alliance 0 0 0
2529. Cult Of The MooCow Inc Cult Of The MooCow Inc 0 0 0
2530. Cult of the Raging Minkey Reborn. Cult of the Raging Minkey Reborn. 0 0 0
2531. Cult of War Cult of War 0 0 0
2532. Cult of War Cult of War 0 0 0
2533. Cult of War Cult of War 0 0 0
2534. Cult-Cola Production Cult-Cola Production 0 0 0
2535. Culture Coalition Culture Coalition 0 0 0
2536. Culture Shock Initiative Culture Shock Initiative 0 0 0
2537. Culture Syndicate Culture Syndicate 0 0 0
2538. Cunning Linguists. Cunning Linguists. 0 0 0
2539. Curator Angelus Curator Angelus 0 0 0
2540. Curatores Septentrionalium Curatores Septentrionalium 0 0 0
2541. Curbstomp. Curbstomp. 0 0 0
2542. Curbstomp.. Curbstomp.. 0 0 0
2543. Curse Alliance Curse Alliance 0 0 0
2544. Curse Alliance Curse Alliance 0 0 0
2545. Curse of Angels. Curse of Angels. 0 0 0
2546. CURSE. CURSE. 0 0 0
2547. Curse. Alliance. Curse. Alliance. 0 0 0
2548. Cursed abbey Cursed abbey 0 0 0
2549. Cursed Alliance Cursed Alliance 0 0 0
2550. Cursed Alliance Cursed Alliance 0 0 0
2551. Cursed Cartel Cursed Cartel 0 0 0
2552. Cursed Intentions Alliance Cursed Intentions Alliance 0 0 0
2553. Cursed Nemesis Cursed Nemesis 0 0 0
2554. CUST0S M0RUM CUST0S M0RUM 0 0 0
2555. Custodes Aeternitatis Custodes Aeternitatis 0 0 0
2556. Custodes Astri Ardentis Custodes Astri Ardentis 0 0 0
2558. Cute Girls Doing Cute Things Cute Girls Doing Cute Things 0 0 0
2559. Cutie Mark Acquisition Program Cutie Mark Acquisition Program 0 0 0
2560. Cutthroat Old Farts Cutthroat Old Farts 0 0 0
2562. Cutting Edge Technologies Inc. Cutting Edge Technologies Inc. 0 0 0
2563. Cwealth Cwealth 0 0 0
2564. Cwn Annwn Pack Cwn Annwn Pack 0 0 0
2565. Cyber Dome Cyber Dome 0 0 0
2566. Cyberdine Alliance Cyberdine Alliance 0 0 0
2567. Cyberdine Systems Skynet Division Cyberdine Systems Skynet Division 0 0 0
2569. Cyberdyne Industry Cyberdyne Industry 0 0 0
2570. Cyberdyne Systems Alliance Cyberdyne Systems Alliance 0 0 0
2571. CyberPunkZ CyberPunkZ 0 0 0
2572. Cyberstorm Corporate Alliance Cyberstorm Corporate Alliance 0 0 0
2573. Cybran Nation Alliance Cybran Nation Alliance 0 0 0
2575. Cylon Revenge Cylon Revenge 0 0 0
2577. Cynaltrias Cynaltrias 0 0 0
2578. Cyno up alliance Cyno up alliance 0 0 0
2579. Cynosural Chaos Theory Cynosural Chaos Theory 0 0 0
2580. CynoUp. CynoUp. 0 0 0
2581. CZECH Alliance CZECH Alliance 0 0 0
2582. D 3 M O N D 3 M O N 0 0 0
2583. D Alliance D Alliance 0 0 0
2584. D E F I A N C E D E F I A N C E 0 0 0
2585. D E L E T E L O C A L D E L E T E L O C A L 0 0 0
2586. D E M O N S Alliance D E M O N S Alliance 0 0 0
2587. D I A M O N D D I A M O N D 0 0 0
2588. D'Haran Empire. D'Haran Empire. 0 0 0
2589. D's Nutz D's Nutz 0 0 0
2590. D-Collective D-Collective 0 0 0
2591. D-L D-L 0 0 0
2592. D-O-G-M-A D-O-G-M-A 0 0 0
2593. D-TECH Syndikat D-TECH Syndikat 0 0 0
2594. D.B. Alliance Solutions Inc. D.B. Alliance Solutions Inc. 0 0 0
2596. D.E.F.I.A.N.C.E D.E.F.I.A.N.C.E 0 0 0
2597. D00MHElM D00MHElM 0 0 0
2598. D0GMA D0GMA 0 0 0
2599. D0nt Tuch Us D0nt Tuch Us 0 0 0
2600. D3AD P03TS S0CI3TY D3AD P03TS S0CI3TY 0 0 0
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