Alliances & Corporations

Sov | All | DeadAlliance Ranking - Sorted by number of members [13728]

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    Alliance Systems Members Corps
12801. Universal Bundeswehr Universal Bundeswehr 0 0 0
12802. Universal Bureau of Ninja Carebears Universal Bureau of Ninja Carebears 0 0 0
12803. Universal Consortium Universal Consortium 0 0 0
12804. Universal Constant Alliance Universal Constant Alliance 0 0 0
12805. Universal Corporation Alliance Universal Corporation Alliance 0 0 0
12806. Universal Cosmonautics Universal Cosmonautics 0 0 0
12807. Universal Cyberlance Konzern Universal Cyberlance Konzern 0 0 0
12808. Universal Dominance Universal Dominance 0 0 0
12809. Universal Domination Inc Universal Domination Inc 0 0 0
12810. Universal Expeditionary Force Universal Expeditionary Force 0 0 0
12811. Universal Free Ports Universal Free Ports 0 0 0
12812. Universal Holdings Ltd Alliance Universal Holdings Ltd Alliance 0 0 0
12813. Universal Industry Alliance Universal Industry Alliance 0 0 0
12814. Universal ISK Alliance Universal ISK Alliance 0 0 0
12815. Universal New German Reich Universal New German Reich 0 0 0
12816. Universal Paranoia Alliance Universal Paranoia Alliance 0 0 0
12817. Universal Rockstars Universal Rockstars 0 0 0
12818. Universal Space Alliance Universal Space Alliance 0 0 0
12819. Universal Workers Union Universal Workers Union 0 0 0
12820. Universalis Conundrum Universalis Conundrum 0 0 0
12821. Universe Knight Stalkers Universe Knight Stalkers 0 0 0
12822. Universidad Nuwen Universidad Nuwen 0 0 0
12823. University Alliance University Alliance 0 0 0
12824. University of Survival University of Survival 0 0 0
12825. University of Thoth University of Thoth 0 0 0
12826. Unkind Initiative Unkind Initiative 0 0 0
12827. Unknown Alliance Unknown Alliance 0 0 0
12828. Unknown Borders Unknown Borders 0 0 0
12829. Unknown Corporations Unknown Corporations 0 0 0
12830. Unknown Destination Unknown Destination 0 0 0
12832. Unknown Fusion Unknown Fusion 0 0 0
12833. Unknown Holding Alliance Unknown Holding Alliance 0 0 0
12834. Unknown Industries Union Unknown Industries Union 0 0 0
12835. Unknown Phenomena Unknown Phenomena 0 0 0
12836. Unknown Reality Unknown Reality 0 0 0
12837. Unknown Soldiers. Unknown Soldiers. 0 0 0
12838. Unleashed Enemies Unleashed Enemies 0 0 0
12839. UNLeashed Legion UNLeashed Legion 0 0 0
12840. UNLeashed Legion UNLeashed Legion 0 0 0
12841. UNLeashed Legion UNLeashed Legion 0 0 0
12842. Unleashing Chaos Unleashing Chaos 0 0 0
12843. Unlimited Epiphany Unlimited Epiphany 0 0 0
12844. Unlimited Horizons Unlimited Horizons 0 0 0
12845. Unlimited Innovation Wholesale Unlimited Innovation Wholesale 0 0 0
12846. Unmedicated Superiority Unmedicated Superiority 0 0 0
12847. Unmentionables Unmentionables 0 0 0
12848. Unnamed. Unnamed. 0 0 0
12850. Uno Chica Loco Uno Chica Loco 0 0 0
12851. Unorthodox Collective Unorthodox Collective 0 0 0
12852. Unpleasant Association. Unpleasant Association. 0 0 0
12853. Unprovoked Aggression Unprovoked Aggression 0 0 0
12854. Unquestionable Prosperity Alliance Unquestionable Prosperity Alliance 0 0 0
12855. Unreachable Unreachable 0 0 0
12856. UNREAL Academy UNREAL Academy 0 0 0
12857. Unreal Clan Deutschland Unreal Clan Deutschland 0 0 0
12858. UNREAL Group UNREAL Group 0 0 0
12859. UNREAL Union UNREAL Union 0 0 0
12860. Unremitting Dynamism Syndicate Unremitting Dynamism Syndicate 0 0 0
12861. Unscrupulous. Unscrupulous. 0 0 0
12862. Unseen Enemy Unseen Enemy 0 0 0
12863. Unseen Wolves Unseen Wolves 0 0 0
12864. Unsettled. Unsettled. 0 0 0
12865. UNSOS Alliance UNSOS Alliance 0 0 0
12866. Unspoken Alliance Unspoken Alliance 0 0 0
12867. Unspoken Alliance Unspoken Alliance 0 0 0
12868. Unstable Alliance of September Unstable Alliance of September 0 0 0
12869. Unstable Alliance of September Unstable Alliance of September 0 0 0
12870. Unstable Wormholers Unstable Wormholers 0 0 0
12871. Unsubbed Unsubbed 0 0 0
12872. Unsuitable Unsuitable 0 0 0
12873. Unsung Blades Unsung Blades 0 0 0
12874. Unsung Voices Unsung Voices 0 0 0
12875. Unto the Breach Unto the Breach 0 0 0
12876. Unus nam Populus Unus nam Populus 0 0 0
12877. Unversehens Weltraumbarkassen Unversehens Weltraumbarkassen 0 0 0
12878. Unwanted Alliance Unwanted Alliance 0 0 0
12879. Unwanted Attention. Unwanted Attention. 0 0 0
12880. Up Your Arsenal Up Your Arsenal 0 0 0
12881. Up Your Arsenal Up Your Arsenal 0 0 0
12882. Up-Yours Up-Yours 0 0 0
12883. Upholders Upholders 0 0 0
12884. Upper East Side Upper East Side 0 0 0
12885. Uprising. Uprising. 0 0 0
12886. UPS Citizens UPS Citizens 0 0 0
12887. UpweIl Consortium UpweIl Consortium 0 0 0
12889. Upwell Financial Conglomerate Upwell Financial Conglomerate 0 0 0
12890. Upwell Striker Upwell Striker 0 0 0
12891. ur broken ur broken 0 0 0
12892. ur fricked ur fricked 0 0 0
12893. Uranus Experiment Uranus Experiment 0 0 0
12895. Ursa Stellar Initiative Ursa Stellar Initiative 0 0 0
12896. Ursi Lienosus Ursi Lienosus 0 0 0
12897. Ursus Arctos. Ursus Arctos. 0 0 0
12898. US Alliance US Alliance 0 0 0
12899. US Alliance US Alliance 0 0 0
12900. US Alliance US Alliance 0 0 0
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