Alliances & Corporations

Sov | All | DeadAlliance Ranking - Sorted by name [3462]

Jump: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35
    Alliance Systems Members Corps
101. Alliance of Splitted Personalities Alliance of Splitted Personalities 0 18 2
102. Alliance Russian Pack Alliance Russian Pack 0 12 1
103. Alliance System's Alliance System's 0 26 2
104. Alliance. Now. Please. Alliance. Now. Please. 0 7 4
105. Allianz Kaltes Wasser Allianz Kaltes Wasser 0 10 2
106. Allied Exploration Front AXXF Allied Exploration Front AXXF 0 184 8
107. Allied Resources Coalition Allied Resources Coalition 0 3 2
108. Allied Traders Allied Traders 0 1 1
109. Allied Workers Association Allied Workers Association 0 1 1
110. Allteris Allteris 0 53 1
111. Almost Broken Almost Broken 0 65 4
112. Almost Competent Almost Competent 0 116 2
113. Almost Relevant Almost Relevant 0 37 3
114. Almost Underdogs Almost Underdogs 0 51 3
115. AlpaNewEdem Alliance AlpaNewEdem Alliance 0 2 1
116. Already Replaced. Already Replaced. 0 180 7
117. Alt Alliance Alt Alliance 0 10 2
118. Alternate Allegiance Alternate Allegiance 0 4 1
119. Alternative for Nullsec Alternative for Nullsec 0 4 1
120. Altoholics Space Guild Altoholics Space Guild 0 84 3
121. Altswarm Federation Altswarm Federation 0 7 2
122. Alvarium Alvarium 0 123 8
123. Always Take the Bait Always Take the Bait 0 3 3
124. Amalthea Alliance Amalthea Alliance 0 22 2
125. Amarr 7th Fleet Amarr 7th Fleet 0 1 1
126. Amarr Barnacle V Amarr Barnacle V 0 1 1
127. Amarr Expedition Front United Amarr Expedition Front United 0 10 2
128. Amarr Locals Alliance. Amarr Locals Alliance. 0 89 17
129. Amarr Mercenary Group Amarr Mercenary Group 0 13 4
130. Amat Victoria Curam. Amat Victoria Curam. 0 3 1
131. Amen Anera Amen Anera 0 34 3
132. Amlgmtd. Amarrian Agency of Aggressive Accountancy Amlgmtd. Amarrian Agency of Aggressive Accountancy 0 11 7
133. AMS Alliance AMS Alliance 0 9 2
135. An Ordinary Alliance An Ordinary Alliance 0 5 2
137. Anarchy's End Anarchy's End 0 24 4
138. Anarchy. Anarchy. 0 128 8
139. Ancient Tribe. Ancient Tribe. 0 3 1
140. Andromeda Cascade Andromeda Cascade 0 1 1
141. Angevin Empire Angevin Empire 0 5 1
142. Angry Miners Alliance. Angry Miners Alliance. 0 1 1
143. Angry Monkey Industies Angry Monkey Industies 0 37 3
144. Anime Girls in The Space Anime Girls in The Space 0 43 6
145. Anix's stables Anix's stables 0 11 1
146. Ankle Biter's Ankle Biter's 0 44 4
147. Anoikis Conspiracy Anoikis Conspiracy 0 21 4
148. Anomalous Secs Anomalous Secs 0 1 1
149. Anonymous Heroes Anonymous Heroes 0 9 1
150. Anonymous Pilots Alliance Anonymous Pilots Alliance 0 10 3
151. Another Really Stupid Enterprise Another Really Stupid Enterprise 0 10 2
153. Ant Tiger Ant Tiger 0 194 6
154. Antesignani Alliance Antesignani Alliance 0 74 5
155. Anti Krab Coalition Anti Krab Coalition 0 267 18
156. Antiquorum Antiquorum 0 132 1
157. Antisocial Social Club For Tax Reduction Antisocial Social Club For Tax Reduction 0 38 1
158. Any17 Any17 0 24 3
159. APEX Conglomerate APEX Conglomerate 0 28 4
160. APOC Fleet Auxiliary APOC Fleet Auxiliary 0 321 27
161. Apocalypse Now. Apocalypse Now. Show on universe map7 630 21
162. Apocalypse Tomorrow. Apocalypse Tomorrow. 0 114 7
163. Apocrypha of Davio Apocrypha of Davio 0 163 1
164. Aporkalypse Now Aporkalypse Now 0 8 2
165. appetite of nothing appetite of nothing 0 19 3
166. Aprilon Dynasty Aprilon Dynasty 0 12 1
167. AqpuHa AqpuHa 0 212 7
168. Arasaka Security Trust Arasaka Security Trust 0 35 3
169. Arataka Research Consortium Arataka Research Consortium 0 52 3
170. Arcane Alliance Arcane Alliance 0 20 4
171. Archaeozoic Archaeozoic 0 1 1
172. Archetype. Archetype. 0 1 1
173. Arctic Light Arctic Light 0 106 2
174. Ares Protectiva Ares Protectiva 0 2 1
175. Arete Consortium Arete Consortium 0 20 5
176. Ark Ventures Inc Ark Ventures Inc 0 11 8
177. Arkhos Core Arkhos Core 0 73 8
178. Armada Assail Armada Assail 0 4 1
179. Armada Galactica Armada Galactica 0 34 1
180. Armament Supply Syndicate Armament Supply Syndicate 0 4 2
181. Armament Vortex Armament Vortex 0 5 2
182. Armed Trade Syndicate Armed Trade Syndicate 0 58 1
183. Army Of Angels Alliance Army Of Angels Alliance 0 2 1
184. Army of Darkness. Army of Darkness. 0 1 1
185. Arrakis Ascendancy Arrakis Ascendancy 0 4 3
186. Arrival. Arrival. 0 79 3
187. Art of War Alliance Art of War Alliance 0 93 3
189. Articles of Allegiance Articles of Allegiance 0 10 1
190. Artificial Intellagence Artificial Intellagence 0 124 4
191. Ascendance.. Ascendance.. 0 1976 3
192. Asgard Squadron Asgard Squadron 0 8 2
193. Ashes of Exploration Ashes of Exploration 0 15 3
194. Ashtar Federation Ashtar Federation 0 45 2
195. Asiatic Vespers of Mythradites Asiatic Vespers of Mythradites 0 1 1
196. Askaantiuul Logistics Askaantiuul Logistics 0 29 4
197. Aspartame. Aspartame. 0 457 21
198. Assimian Legion Assimian Legion 0 49 8
199. Assistance Group Assistance Group 0 9 3
200. Associated Basterds Associated Basterds 0 37 4
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