Alliances & Corporations

Sov | All | DeadAlliance Ranking - Sorted by name [3462]

Jump: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35
    Alliance Systems Members Corps
2302. Remember Mumuit Remember Mumuit 0 36 6
2303. Removal Removal 0 17 2
2304. Renaissance Federation Renaissance Federation 0 138 10
2305. Renegade Outcasts Renegade Outcasts 0 34 5
2306. Rented Out Rented Out 0 1 1
2307. Renters Renters 0 15 3
2308. Republic of 280mm Howitzer Republic of 280mm Howitzer 0 77 1
2310. Res-Publica Res-Publica 0 10 4
2311. Resonance. Resonance. 0 1 1
2312. Respect Honor Passion Community Respect Honor Passion Community 0 140 7
2313. Retaliation Tribe Retaliation Tribe 0 4 1
2314. Retard Summer Camp Retard Summer Camp 0 62 3
2315. Retribution. Retribution. 0 10 2
2316. Revenant Alliance Revenant Alliance 0 55 4
2317. Reverberation Project Reverberation Project 0 17 3
2318. Revived Faction Alliance Revived Faction Alliance 0 1 1
2319. Rhythm Alliance Rhythm Alliance 0 2 2
2320. Ribbit. Ribbit. 0 261 7
2321. Rich Rocks Mining INC Rich Rocks Mining INC 0 10 1
2322. Ride My Turtle Ride My Turtle 0 15 2
2323. Rifleman Bank Rifleman Bank 0 2 2
2324. Righteous Retribution Syndicate Righteous Retribution Syndicate 0 3 1
2325. Rise of Sun Rise of Sun 0 18 1
2326. Rising Darkness Rising Darkness 0 16 1
2327. Rising Dominion Rising Dominion 0 38 3
2328. Rising Fang INC Rising Fang INC 0 8 2
2330. Risk vs ISK Risk vs ISK 0 2 1
2331. Rixa Ipsis Rixa Ipsis 0 169 2
2332. Roamer Coalition Roamer Coalition 0 83 4
2333. Rock Ridge Alliance Rock Ridge Alliance 0 49 3
2334. Rock'N'Holers Rock'N'Holers 0 128 6
2335. ROFF Alliance ROFF Alliance 0 432 1
2336. Rogue Caldari Union Rogue Caldari Union 0 113 13
2337. Rogue Drone Recovery Syndicate Rogue Drone Recovery Syndicate 0 59 1
2338. Rogue Union Alliance Rogue Union Alliance 0 1 1
2339. Rogues 'n Rascals Rogues 'n Rascals 0 1 1
2340. Roid Suckers Roid Suckers 0 321 8
2341. Roidflex Industries Roidflex Industries 0 17 2
2342. Roller Paper Roller Paper 0 8 2
2344. Ronin Reloaded Ronin Reloaded 0 73 3
2345. Rooks and Kings Rooks and Kings 0 92 4
2346. ROOT Alliance ROOT Alliance 0 60 3
2347. Rorwii Alliance Rorwii Alliance 0 6 3
2348. Rote Kapelle Rote Kapelle 0 604 25
2349. Rote Works Rote Works 0 592 63
2350. Round Table Assembly Round Table Assembly 0 25 9
2351. Rowle Industries Rowle Industries Show on universe map3 2 1
2352. Royal Amarr Space Industries Royal Amarr Space Industries 0 49 4
2353. Royal Khanid Expeditionary Fleet Royal Khanid Expeditionary Fleet 0 3 2
2354. RS Rangers RS Rangers 0 461 5
2355. Rubber Room Rubber Room 0 9 3
2356. Rubbish Game Wasting My Youth Rubbish Game Wasting My Youth 0 26 1
2357. Ruifang District Ruifang District 0 7 2
2358. Ruined Syndicate Ruined Syndicate 0 15 2
2359. Ruinous Powers Ruinous Powers 0 11 2
2360. Rum and Vodka Rum and Vodka 0 16 4
2361. Ruomo Defense Initiative Ruomo Defense Initiative 0 1 1
2362. Rura-Penthe Rura-Penthe 0 235 3
2363. RushFORCE Industries GmbH RushFORCE Industries GmbH 0 10 2
2364. Russian Legion of Honor Russian Legion of Honor 0 78 3
2365. Rusty Hyenas Clan Rusty Hyenas Clan 0 106 4
2366. Rusty Stargazers Rusty Stargazers 0 153 10
2367. RvB - BLUE Republic RvB - BLUE Republic 0 310 1
2368. RvB - RED Federation RvB - RED Federation 0 119 1
2369. S h a d o w S h a d o w 0 50 5
2370. S I L E N T. S I L E N T. 0 1 1
2371. S I L E N T. Institute S I L E N T. Institute 0 2 1
2372. S K Y W I Z A R D S S K Y W I Z A R D S 0 3 1
2373. S P R U T S P R U T 0 83 7
2374. S R S. S R S. 0 43 4
2375. S T E X S T E X 0 233 1
2376. S Y N D I C A T E S Y N D I C A T E 0 205 11
2377. S.I.M Alliance S.I.M Alliance 0 1 1
2378. S.N.O.T. S.N.O.T. 0 242 11
2379. S0B Citizens Alliance S0B Citizens Alliance 0 41 7
2380. S0ns of Anarchy S0ns of Anarchy 0 38 2
2381. Sabaton. Sabaton. 0 88 4
2382. SACR4MENT SACR4MENT 0 15 4
2383. Sacred Empire of the Queen Raja Clan Sacred Empire of the Queen Raja Clan 0 91 9
2384. Sadistic Empire Sadistic Empire 0 11 2
2385. Safe Harbour Alliance Safe Harbour Alliance 0 10 2
2386. Safe Industry Circle Safe Industry Circle 0 5 2
2387. Safety. Safety. 0 578 37
2388. Safety. Net Safety. Net 0 223 8
2389. Sagittarius-A Enterprises Sagittarius-A Enterprises 0 23 3
2390. Saints Amongst Sinners Saints Amongst Sinners 0 14 4
2391. Salt Mining Industrialists Salt Mining Industrialists 0 65 1
2392. Salt the Earth Salt the Earth 0 8 1
2393. Salty Sailors Federation Salty Sailors Federation 0 32 7
2394. Salty. Salty. 0 35 5
2395. Salty.. Salty.. 0 5 1
2396. Salvation Security Group Salvation Security Group 0 5 1
2397. Same Great Taste Same Great Taste 0 2 1
2398. Sanair Services Sanair Services 0 2 1
2399. Sanctuary of Silence Sanctuary of Silence 0 52 8
2400. Sanctuary Of Steel Sanctuary Of Steel 0 136 3
Jump: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35
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