Alliances & Corporations

Sov | All | DeadAlliance Ranking - Sorted by name [3462]

Jump: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35
    Alliance Systems Members Corps
1701. Malicious Mineral Hounds Malicious Mineral Hounds 0 313 22
1703. Mallugiers Deep Space Vigilantes Mallugiers Deep Space Vigilantes 0 8 1
1704. Malthael Alliance Malthael Alliance 0 21 1
1705. Man I Love Flying Spaceships Man I Love Flying Spaceships 0 1 1
1706. Mandrake Alliance Mandrake Alliance 0 12 1
1708. Manifest Destiny. Manifest Destiny. 0 27 3
1709. Manifesto. Manifesto. 0 192 7
1710. Many Reckless Corps Many Reckless Corps 0 3 1
1712. Marauders Swarm Alliance Marauders Swarm Alliance 0 470 10
1713. Margin of Silence Margin of Silence 0 3 2
1714. Market and Contract PVP Market and Contract PVP 0 13 4
1715. Marsbar's Nugget Factory Marsbar's Nugget Factory 0 100 3
1716. Mary off the Rails Mary off the Rails 0 7 2
1717. Mashriq Mashriq 0 9 1
1718. Masks On Masks On 0 21 2
1719. Masonic Legion Masonic Legion 0 8 3
1721. Mass Hysteria. Mass Hysteria. 0 25 3
1722. Massive Erectile Dysfunction Massive Erectile Dysfunction 0 3 3
1723. Masterminders. Masterminders. 0 9 4
1724. Masters of Flying Objects Masters of Flying Objects 0 17 2
1725. MAXIMUS Alliance MAXIMUS Alliance 0 153 4
1726. Me Hearties Me Hearties 0 24 1
1727. Mean Coalition Mean Coalition 0 36 6
1728. Mech Alliance Mech Alliance 0 16 3
1729. Mechanicus Macabre Immortale Mechanicus Macabre Immortale 0 84 4
1730. Meep Beep Empire Meep Beep Empire 0 16 3
1731. Mekharist Combine Mekharist Combine 0 69 14
1732. Meme. Team. 6. Meme. Team. 6. 0 3 1
1733. Memento Moriendo Memento Moriendo 0 2731 91
1734. Men with Fancy Hats Men with Fancy Hats 0 10 2
1735. Mercenaires Sans Frontieres. Mercenaires Sans Frontieres. 0 231 7
1736. Mercenary Coalition Mercenary Coalition 0 111 6
1737. Mercuria Solutions Mercuria Solutions 0 238 19
1738. Merkez. Merkez. 0 3 1
1739. Merqaal Federation. Merqaal Federation. 0 51 2
1740. Meta Reloaded Meta Reloaded 0 100 2
1741. Metallicus Vehementi Metallicus Vehementi 0 13 2
1742. Metaphysical Narcotics Alliance Metaphysical Narcotics Alliance 0 10 1
1743. Method To The Madness Method To The Madness 0 4 2
1744. Metropolis Defense Metropolis Defense 0 66 1
1745. MiasmicZephyr MiasmicZephyr 0 1 1
1746. Michel Delving Michel Delving 0 46 1
1747. MIDAS 22 MIDAS 22 0 33 4
1748. Midgard Ore Alliance Midgard Ore Alliance 0 109 5
1749. Mighty-Wings Mighty-Wings 0 1 1
1750. Mildy Unprofessional Mildy Unprofessional 0 393 12
1751. Miley Cyrus Empire Miley Cyrus Empire 0 1 1
1752. MILL.. MILL.. 0 113 1
1753. Mince n Tatties Mince n Tatties 0 15 1
1754. Miners Coalition Miners Coalition 0 2 1
1755. Miners Inn University Miners Inn University 0 99 4
1756. Miners Of Independence Miners Of Independence 0 239 3
1757. Minerva Exalt Holdings Minerva Exalt Holdings 0 15 2
1758. Mining Coalition. Mining Coalition. 0 97 3
1759. Ministerstvo Pytey Soobsheniya Ministerstvo Pytey Soobsheniya 0 93 11
1760. Ministry of Aggressive Destruction Ministry of Aggressive Destruction 0 60 2
1761. Ministry of Frontier Proselytization Ministry of Frontier Proselytization 0 61 3
1762. Ministry of Inappropriate Footwork Ministry of Inappropriate Footwork 0 235 7
1763. Ministry of Mastery Ministry of Mastery 0 19 2
1764. minke society minke society 0 16 3
1765. Minmatar Fleet Alliance Minmatar Fleet Alliance 0 1229 8
1766. Minmatar Fleet Associates Minmatar Fleet Associates 0 998 104
1767. Minmatarts Minmatarts 0 21 1
1768. Minokawa Alliance Minokawa Alliance 0 1 1
1770. Misaba Police Squad Misaba Police Squad 0 1 1
1771. Misfit Armada Misfit Armada 0 5 2
1772. Misfits Alliance Misfits Alliance 0 65 5
1773. Missile Militia Missile Militia 0 1 1
1774. MKUGA Associates MKUGA Associates 0 69 12
1775. MlNER NEEDs MlNER NEEDs 0 253 17
1776. MM's MM's 0 56 4
1777. Mogul Financial Mogul Financial 0 23 2
1778. Mohist Alliance Mohist Alliance Show on universe map15 1992 27
1779. Mohist Overseas Peacekeeping Forces Mohist Overseas Peacekeeping Forces 0 235 3
1780. Moist. Moist. 0 193 5
1781. Molotov Coalition Molotov Coalition 0 21 2
1782. Monkas Coalition Monkas Coalition 0 4 1
1783. Monkey Circus Monkey Circus 0 6 2
1784. Monkey Foot Monkey Foot 0 26 6
1785. Monkeys with Guns. Monkeys with Guns. 0 171 3
1786. Monochrome Knights Monochrome Knights 0 196 45
1787. Monocle Overlords Monocle Overlords 0 2 2
1788. Monolith Alliance Monolith Alliance 0 101 2
1789. Monsters of Baal Monsters of Baal 0 48 8
1790. Monsters Reborn Monsters Reborn 0 36 3
1792. Monyusaiya Industry Trade Group Monyusaiya Industry Trade Group 0 15 2
1793. Moon Traffic Moon Traffic 0 6 1
1794. Moondrillers Moondrillers 0 2 1
1795. MOONFIRE. MOONFIRE. 0 327 7
1796. Moonfire. 4AZ-J8 Moonfire. 4AZ-J8 0 1 1
1797. Moonfire. 5-IZGE Moonfire. 5-IZGE 0 1 1
1798. Moonfire. BGN1-O Moonfire. BGN1-O 0 1 1
1799. Moonfire. F-8Y13 Moonfire. F-8Y13 0 1 1
1800. Moonfire. OXC-UL Moonfire. OXC-UL 0 1 1
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