Alliances & Corporations

Sov | All | DeadAlliance Ranking - Sorted by name [3462]

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    Alliance Systems Members Corps
2701. Sursum Corda Sursum Corda 0 1 1
2702. SUS Holding SUS Holding 0 65 6
2703. Svarog Heavy Industries Svarog Heavy Industries 0 5 2
2704. Swamphole Swamphole 0 1 1
2705. Swarm. Swarm. 0 11 1
2706. Swedish Steel Swedish Steel 0 40 6
2707. Swift Alliance Swift Alliance 0 47 1
2708. Swift Redemption. Swift Redemption. 0 21 1
2709. Swiggity Swooty Coming for the Booty Swiggity Swooty Coming for the Booty 0 17 1
2710. Sword Diplomacy Sword Diplomacy 0 8 2
2711. Swords of Damocles Swords of Damocles 0 1 1
2712. Sylvanas Super mercenary Sylvanas Super mercenary Show on universe map6 834 17
2714. Synergy of Steel Synergy of Steel Show on universe map32 2245 27
2715. Synergy of Support Synergy of Support 0 1145 42
2716. Synnatha Synnatha 0 41 1
2717. Synthetic Awakening Synthetic Awakening 0 23 3
2718. Synthetic Existence Synthetic Existence 0 18 2
2719. Synthetic Life Synthetic Life 0 2 1
2720. System Salvage and Wreck Recovery Agency System Salvage and Wreck Recovery Agency 0 4 4
2721. System Wide Adaptive Roam Massacres System Wide Adaptive Roam Massacres 0 30 5
2722. T E R C I O S T E R C I O S 0 6 1
2723. T O P S H E L F T O P S H E L F 0 87 1
2724. T-R-S-I Universal T-R-S-I Universal 0 15 1
2725. T.S.A T.S.A 0 105 2
2726. T1M3B3ND3RS T1M3B3ND3RS 0 3 1
2727. Tacenda. Tacenda. 0 20 1
2728. Tactical Farmers Tactical Farmers 0 8 4
2729. Tactical Feeding. Tactical Feeding. 0 275 13
2730. Tactical Hunters and Gatherers Tactical Hunters and Gatherers 0 21 7
2731. Tactical Narcotics Team Tactical Narcotics Team 0 2527 37
2732. Tactical Research Lab Tactical Research Lab 0 1 1
2733. Tactical Supremacy Tactical Supremacy 0 1 1
2734. Tactical-Retreat Tactical-Retreat 0 829 4
2735. Tactically Krabbed Tactically Krabbed 0 1 1
2736. Talagari Cartel Talagari Cartel 0 7 2
2737. TalCorp United Federation TalCorp United Federation 0 32 2
2738. TaleFrost TaleFrost 0 1 1
2739. Talocan Star Empire Talocan Star Empire 0 5 1
2740. Talocan United Talocan United 0 7 1
2741. Talon Enclave Talon Enclave 0 19 2
2742. Taltos Collective Taltos Collective 0 2 1
2743. Talu Shaya Empire Talu Shaya Empire 0 23 1
2745. Tarsus Empire Tarsus Empire 0 7 6
2746. Tau Ceti Alliance Tau Ceti Alliance 0 34 2
2747. Taurus Quantum Dynamics Taurus Quantum Dynamics 0 51 4
2748. Taurus Rising Taurus Rising 0 13 2
2749. Tavern 4Crabs Tavern 4Crabs 0 63 9
2750. TAXU TAXU 0 26 3
2751. Taylor Swift Alliance Taylor Swift Alliance 0 13 4
2752. Taylor Swift Empire Taylor Swift Empire 0 21 5
2753. TDF Official TDF Official 0 56 11
2754. Team Newbie Team Newbie 0 4 1
2755. Tear Extraction And Reclamation Service Tear Extraction And Reclamation Service 0 47 2
2756. Tearalament Tearalament 0 9 2
2757. Tech 3 Crew. Tech 3 Crew. 0 28 2
2758. Technical Trust Technical Trust 0 2 1
2759. Tectora Tectora 0 21 2
2760. TEMNAVA TEMNAVA 0 14 2
2761. Templars for Research and Development Templars for Research and Development 0 60 5
2762. Templis CALSF Templis CALSF 0 69 9
2763. Templis Strategic Division Templis Strategic Division 0 117 12
2765. Terminal Ferocity Terminal Ferocity 0 14 1
2766. Terminal. Terminal. 0 17 3
2767. Terminus Mortis Terminus Mortis 0 59 4
2768. Terra Maru Terra Maru 0 11 1
2770. Terran Consortium Terran Consortium 0 162 13
2771. Terran Titans Terran Titans 0 53 1
2772. Terran United Federation Terran United Federation 0 14 3
2773. Terrarium Terrarium 0 7 1
2774. Terrestrial Fallout Terrestrial Fallout 0 8 3
2775. TESBH Alliance TESBH Alliance 0 117 3
2776. Test Alliance Please Ignore Test Alliance Please Ignore Show on universe map19 4041 48
2777. Test Alphas Please Ignore Test Alphas Please Ignore 0 6 1
2778. That Escalated Quickly. That Escalated Quickly. 0 57 5
2779. That's Real Skill Issue That's Real Skill Issue 0 59 5
2780. The 20 Minuters The 20 Minuters 0 81 6
2781. The Adeptus Calmitar The Adeptus Calmitar 0 9 2
2782. The Afterlife. The Afterlife. 0 1 1
2783. The Ahbazonians The Ahbazonians 0 7 1
2784. The AII Systems Commonwealth The AII Systems Commonwealth 0 15 3
2785. The Alchemy Syndicate The Alchemy Syndicate 0 167 2
2786. The Alconauts The Alconauts 0 88 4
2787. The Alpha Omega Directive Alliance The Alpha Omega Directive Alliance 0 69 8
2788. The Amalgamation Initiative The Amalgamation Initiative 0 29 4
2789. The Amarr Militia. The Amarr Militia. 0 220 10
2790. The Amarr Owners Club The Amarr Owners Club 0 2 1
2791. The Ancients. The Ancients. 0 370 17
2792. The Army of Mango Alliance The Army of Mango Alliance 0 310 7
2793. The Ascendants The Ascendants 0 118 5
2794. The Asteroid is Depleted Conglomorate The Asteroid is Depleted Conglomorate 0 5 1
2795. The Avorbeau Estate The Avorbeau Estate 0 20 3
2796. The Banana Republic. The Banana Republic. 0 25 5
2797. The Bastard Cartel . The Bastard Cartel . 0 40 3
2798. The bastard Mining Fleet The bastard Mining Fleet 0 9 2
2799. The Bastion The Bastion 0 1 1
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