Alliances & Corporations

Sov | All | DeadAlliance Ranking - Sorted by number of systems [13735]

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    Alliance Systems Members Corps
13201. Waiting To Die Waiting To Die 0 0 0
13202. Wake Up And Smell Your Carcass Wake Up And Smell Your Carcass 0 0 0
13203. Wala Kyrie Kyrie Wala Kyrie Kyrie 0 0 0
13204. Wall of Shadow Wall of Shadow 0 0 0
13205. Wall Street Bets Alliance Wall Street Bets Alliance 0 0 0
13206. WallHall WallHall 0 0 0
13208. Walt Disney World Walt Disney World 0 0 0
13209. Wander Lust Wander Lust 0 0 0
13210. War - Horse War - Horse 0 0 0
13211. War Against the Manifest War Against the Manifest 0 0 0
13212. War Crimes Social Club War Crimes Social Club 0 0 0
13213. War Dawgs Mfg. War Dawgs Mfg. 0 0 0
13214. War Deckers Please Ignore War Deckers Please Ignore 0 0 0
13215. War Eagle Federation War Eagle Federation 0 0 0
13216. War Ensemble. War Ensemble. 0 0 0
13217. War for Life Alliance War for Life Alliance 0 0 0
13218. WAR-TECH Alliance WAR-TECH Alliance 0 0 0
13219. WAR. WAR. 0 0 0
13220. War.Pigs. War.Pigs. 0 0 0
13221. Warbirds of Anoikis. Warbirds of Anoikis. 0 0 0
13222. Warboard Clearer Warboard Clearer 0 0 0
13223. Warclone Initiative Warclone Initiative 0 0 0
13224. Ward Of The State Ward Of The State 0 0 0
13225. Wardec Dis Wardec Dis 0 0 0
13226. WarDec US WarDec US 0 0 0
13227. Warden. Warden. 0 0 0
13228. Wardens of the Abyssal Overwatch Wardens of the Abyssal Overwatch 0 0 0
13229. Wardens of the Underworld Wardens of the Underworld 0 0 0
13230. Warhead Conferderation Alliance Warhead Conferderation Alliance 0 0 0
13231. Warhoom One Alliance Warhoom One Alliance 0 0 0
13232. Warlike Handicraft Organization Warlike Handicraft Organization 0 0 0
13233. Warlords of Immeasurable Skill Warlords of Immeasurable Skill 0 0 0
13236. Warp 2 Zero Warp 2 Zero 0 0 0
13237. Warp Drive Active. Warp Drive Active. 0 0 0
13238. Warp Drive Initiative Warp Drive Initiative 0 0 0
13239. Warp to Cyno. Warp to Cyno. 0 0 0
13240. Warp to Desktop Warp to Desktop 0 0 0
13241. Warp To Me. Warp To Me. 0 0 0
13242. Warp To Me. Warp To Me. 0 0 0
13243. Warp To Me. Warp To Me. 0 0 0
13244. Warp To Me. Warp To Me. 0 0 0
13245. Warp to Zer0 Warp to Zer0 0 0 0
13246. Warp Walkers Warp Walkers 0 0 0
13247. Warped Aggression Warped Aggression 0 0 0
13248. Warped Intentions Warped Intentions 0 0 0
13249. WarPig Core Support Syndicate WarPig Core Support Syndicate 0 0 0
13250. Warplight Society Warplight Society 0 0 0
13251. Warrior Nation Consortium Warrior Nation Consortium 0 0 0
13252. Warriors of Ogrimar Warriors of Ogrimar 0 0 0
13253. Warriors of the Blood God Warriors of the Blood God 0 0 0
13254. Warriors VolkodlaK - Perunov's Night Warriors VolkodlaK - Perunov's Night 0 0 0
13255. Warsmiths. Warsmiths. 0 0 0
13256. WarTek INC WarTek INC 0 0 0
13257. Waste Management Alliance Waste Management Alliance 0 0 0
13258. Waste.Management Waste.Management 0 0 0
13260. Wasted Wolves Wasted Wolves 0 0 0
13261. Wasteland Alliance Wasteland Alliance 0 0 0
13262. Wasteland Syndicate Alliance Wasteland Syndicate Alliance 0 0 0
13263. Waterboard Waterboard 0 0 0
13264. Waterboard Comedy Tour Waterboard Comedy Tour 0 0 0
13265. WAW Holding Alliance WAW Holding Alliance 0 0 0
13266. WAW Holding Alliance WAW Holding Alliance 0 0 0
13267. Way of Eternal Chaos Way of Eternal Chaos 0 0 0
13268. Wayfarer Stellar Initiative Wayfarer Stellar Initiative 0 0 0
13269. Wayina Science and Trade Alliance Wayina Science and Trade Alliance 0 0 0
13270. Wayward Souls Alliance Wayward Souls Alliance 0 0 0
13271. WD 4EVE Alliance WD 4EVE Alliance 0 0 0
13272. WDI Alliance WDI Alliance 0 0 0
13273. We ALL Hurt We ALL Hurt 0 0 0
13274. We All Hurt Alliance We All Hurt Alliance 0 0 0
13275. We all love XxNukeyxX We all love XxNukeyxX 0 0 0
13276. We are from the Garden of Eden Alliance We are from the Garden of Eden Alliance 0 0 0
13277. We Are Imbor We Are Imbor 0 0 0
13278. We Are Internet Famous We Are Internet Famous 0 0 0
13279. We Are Legion. We Are Legion. 0 0 0
13280. We are Legion. We are Nemesis. We are Legion. We are Nemesis. 0 0 0
13281. We Are Misfits We Are Misfits 0 0 0
13282. We Are Nice Guys We Are Nice Guys 0 0 0
13283. We Are Very Special We Are Very Special 0 0 0
13284. We Didn't Mean It We Didn't Mean It 0 0 0
13285. WE DO NOT SOW WE DO NOT SOW 0 0 0
13286. WE FORM AUTI5M. WE FORM AUTI5M. 0 0 0
13287. WE FORM BL0B University WE FORM BL0B University 0 0 0
13291. We GiVe No FOX We GiVe No FOX 0 0 0
13292. We Hate Smurfs We Hate Smurfs 0 0 0
13293. We Improve Nullsec We Improve Nullsec 0 0 0
13294. We Left It Wide Open We Left It Wide Open 0 0 0
13295. We LiKe To FlY UgLy ShIpS We LiKe To FlY UgLy ShIpS 0 0 0
13296. We Moan ALOT We Moan ALOT 0 0 0
13297. We pooped on your lawn. We pooped on your lawn. 0 0 0
13298. We Suck At This Game We Suck At This Game 0 0 0
13299. We Use Controllers Not Keyboards We Use Controllers Not Keyboards 0 0 0
13300. We Were Promised Donuts We Were Promised Donuts 0 0 0
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