Alliances & Corporations

Sov | All | DeadAlliance Ranking - Sorted by number of systems [13735]

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    Alliance Systems Members Corps
6001. John Ambramott Novaclan Alliance John Ambramott Novaclan Alliance 0 0 0
6002. Johnson and Johnsons Alliance Johnson and Johnsons Alliance 0 0 0
6003. Johnson Industrial Initiative Johnson Industrial Initiative 0 0 0
6005. Join The Empire Join The Empire 0 0 0
6006. Joined Brotherhood Joined Brotherhood 0 0 0
6007. Joint Alliance Blue Joint Alliance Blue 0 0 0
6008. Joint Control Air Support Joint Control Air Support 0 0 0
6009. Joint Expeditionary Force Joint Expeditionary Force 0 0 0
6010. Joint Shadow Operations Command Joint Shadow Operations Command 0 0 0
6011. Joint Space Federation Joint Space Federation 0 0 0
6012. Joint Task Force Black Joint Task Force Black 0 0 0
6013. Joint Venture Conglomerate Joint Venture Conglomerate 0 0 0
6014. Joker's Legion Joker's Legion 0 0 0
6015. Joker. Joker. 0 0 0
6016. Jokers Wild. Jokers Wild. 0 0 0
6017. Jolly Reefers Jolly Reefers 0 0 0
6018. Jormungandr. Jormungandr. 0 0 0
6019. Journeys End Alliance Journeys End Alliance 0 0 0
6020. Jovian Conglomerate Jovian Conglomerate 0 0 0
6021. Jovian Refugees Jovian Refugees 0 0 0
6022. Jovian Synthetics Jovian Synthetics 0 0 0
6023. Jovian Synthetics Jovian Synthetics 0 0 0
6024. Joyous Life Joyous Life 0 0 0
6025. JP514 JP514 0 0 0
6026. judgement  Alliance judgement Alliance 0 0 0
6027. Jump Bridge To Yita Jump Bridge To Yita 0 0 0
6028. Jump Drive Appreciation Alliance Jump Drive Appreciation Alliance 0 0 0
6029. Jump On Contact.. Jump On Contact.. 0 0 0
6030. Junctio Junctio 0 0 0
6031. Junk Alliance Junk Alliance 0 0 0
6032. Junk-Guard Junk-Guard 0 0 0
6033. Junkyard Gunn3rs Junkyard Gunn3rs 0 0 0
6034. Jupiter Heavy Industries Jupiter Heavy Industries 0 0 0
6035. Jupiter Space Freaks Jupiter Space Freaks 0 0 0
6036. Jury Rigged Associates Jury Rigged Associates 0 0 0
6037. Just a Bunch Of Corporations Just a Bunch Of Corporations 0 0 0
6038. Just A Game. Just A Game. 0 0 0
6039. Just a General Alliance Just a General Alliance 0 0 0
6040. Just A Renter. Just A Renter. 0 0 0
6041. Just Another Alliance Just Another Alliance 0 0 0
6042. Just Die Already Alliance Just Die Already Alliance 0 0 0
6043. Just For You. Just For You. 0 0 0
6044. Just Happy to be Here Just Happy to be Here 0 0 0
6045. just let something happen just let something happen 0 0 0
6046. Just No Good Just No Good 0 0 0
6047. Just Passers-by Just Passers-by 0 0 0
6048. Just Passing By. Just Passing By. 0 0 0
6049. Just smile and wave Just smile and wave 0 0 0
6050. Just testing. Just testing. 0 0 0
6051. Just The Tip.. Just The Tip.. 0 0 0
6052. Justice League of Space Justice League of Space 0 0 0
6053. Juvenilis Senilem Juvenilis Senilem 0 0 0
6054. K P E M E H b K P E M E H b 0 0 0
6055. K R A B S K R A B S 0 0 0
6056. K R A K E N K R A K E N 0 0 0
6057. K R A K E N. K R A K E N. 0 0 0
6058. K R Y P T E D K R Y P T E D 0 0 0
6059. K R Y P T E D K R Y P T E D 0 0 0
6060. K-9 Productions K-9 Productions 0 0 0
6061. K-A-P-S-E-L-P-I-L-O-T-E-N K-A-P-S-E-L-P-I-L-O-T-E-N 0 0 0
6062. K-U-J-O K-U-J-O 0 0 0
6063. K.A.D.M.U.S Alliance K.A.D.M.U.S Alliance 0 0 0
6064. K.E.A.T.S Federation K.E.A.T.S Federation 0 0 0
6065. K162 K162 0 0 0
6066. K162 K162 0 0 0
6067. K162 K162 0 0 0
6068. K1R Imperium K1R Imperium 0 0 0
6069. Ka'ge Kumi Ka'ge Kumi 0 0 0
6070. Ka-Tet Ka-Tet 0 0 0
6071. Ka-tet Ka-tet 0 0 0
6072. KA0S Theory KA0S Theory 0 0 0
6074. Kabantik Star Empire Kabantik Star Empire 0 0 0
6075. Kadeshians Kadeshians 0 0 0
6076. Kador Commerce Confederacy Kador Commerce Confederacy 0 0 0
6077. Kador Development Group Kador Development Group 0 0 0
6078. Kador's Bane Kador's Bane 0 0 0
6079. Kaer Morhen Valley Kaer Morhen Valley 0 0 0
6080. Kaeru Keiretsu Kaeru Keiretsu 0 0 0
6081. Kaeru Keiretsu Kaeru Keiretsu 0 0 0
6082. Kahora Catori Kahora Catori 0 0 0
6083. Kaiju. Kaiju. 0 0 0
6084. Kairakau Kairakau 0 0 0
6085. Kairiola Federation Kairiola Federation 0 0 0
6086. Kaiserreich Preussen Kaiserreich Preussen 0 0 0
6087. Kaiserreich Preussen Kaiserreich Preussen 0 0 0
6088. KaiSuun Empire KaiSuun Empire 0 0 0
6089. KaiSuun Empire KaiSuun Empire 0 0 0
6090. Kaizen Systems Kaizen Systems 0 0 0
6091. KAKAKP0 KAKAKP0 0 0 0
6092. Kakistocracy Kakistocracy 0 0 0
6093. Kakistocracy Mercenary Alliance Kakistocracy Mercenary Alliance 0 0 0
6094. Kamikaze Fleet Kamikaze Fleet 0 0 0
6095. Kamikaze Project Kamikaze Project 0 0 0
6096. Kansas City Shuffle. Kansas City Shuffle. 0 0 0
6097. Kaos And Mayhem Kaos And Mayhem 0 0 0
6098. Kaos Empire Kaos Empire 0 0 0
6099. KAOS Unlimited KAOS Unlimited 0 0 0
6100. KAOS Unlimited KAOS Unlimited 0 0 0
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