Alliances & Corporations

Sov | All | DeadAlliance Ranking - Sorted by number of systems [13728]

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    Alliance Systems Members Corps
7201. Mythical Creatures of New Eden Mythical Creatures of New Eden 0 0 0
7202. N E M E S I S N E M E S I S 0 0 0
7203. N E M E S I S N E M E S I S 0 0 0
7204. N E P H N E P H 0 0 0
7205. N E P H I L I M N E P H I L I M 0 0 0
7206. N E V E R M O R E N E V E R M O R E 0 0 0
7207. N E X U S N E X U S 0 0 0
7208. N I G H T F A L L N I G H T F A L L 0 0 0
7209. N O V A N O V A 0 0 0
7210. N O V A N O V A 0 0 0
7211. N Y A Alliance N Y A Alliance 0 0 0
7212. N-Droid N-Droid 0 0 0
7213. N.A.S.A N.A.S.A 0 0 0
7214. N.E.M.E.S.I.S. N.E.M.E.S.I.S. 0 0 0
7215. N.E.P.A. N.E.P.A. 0 0 0
7216. N.E.S.T Alliance N.E.S.T Alliance 0 0 0
7217. N.E.S.T Corporation N.E.S.T Corporation 0 0 0
7218. N.O.B.O.D.Y. N.O.B.O.D.Y. 0 0 0
7219. N.O.L.B. N.O.L.B. 0 0 0
7220. N.O.M.A.D.S N.O.M.A.D.S 0 0 0
7221. N.O.M.A.D.S. N.O.M.A.D.S. 0 0 0
7222. N.O.R.T.H. Alliance N.O.R.T.H. Alliance 0 0 0
7223. N0.Limit N0.Limit 0 0 0
7225. N0BULLSH1T Alliance N0BULLSH1T Alliance 0 0 0
7226. N0FUN N0FUN 0 0 0
7227. N0mads.. N0mads.. 0 0 0
7228. N0T Hostile. N0T Hostile. 0 0 0
7229. N0t Quite Immortal N0t Quite Immortal 0 0 0
7230. N0thing To See Here N0thing To See Here 0 0 0
7231. N1ghtravens N1ghtravens 0 0 0
7233. NAB's Anonymous NAB's Anonymous 0 0 0
7234. Nach der Arbeit Gamers Alliance Nach der Arbeit Gamers Alliance 0 0 0
7235. Nailoong Mafia Nailoong Mafia 0 0 0
7236. Naked And Belligerent Naked And Belligerent 0 0 0
7237. Naked Cowboys Naked Cowboys 0 0 0
7238. Naked Drunk and Immortal Naked Drunk and Immortal 0 0 0
7239. Naloran Project Naloran Project 0 0 0
7240. Namaili Pirates Namaili Pirates 0 0 0
7241. Name Pending Approval Name Pending Approval 0 0 0
7242. Name Pending Coalition Name Pending Coalition 0 0 0
7243. Name Pending Coalition Name Pending Coalition 0 0 0
7244. Name Pending Coalition Name Pending Coalition 0 0 0
7245. Name Pending.. Name Pending.. 0 0 0
7246. Namtz' aar K'in Namtz' aar K'in 0 0 0
7247. Namtz'aar k'in Namtz'aar k'in 0 0 0
7248. Nan Roig Alliance Nan Roig Alliance 0 0 0
7249. NAN0FIBER. NAN0FIBER. 0 0 0
7250. Nanite Empire Nanite Empire 0 0 0
7251. Nano Fiber Tokens Nano Fiber Tokens 0 0 0
7252. Nano Fiber Tokens Nano Fiber Tokens 0 0 0
7254. Nanogang Nanogang 0 0 0
7255. Nanook Inc. Nanook Inc. 0 0 0
7256. NanoTech Arms NanoTech Arms 0 0 0
7257. NanoTex NCore Legion NanoTex NCore Legion 0 0 0
7259. Nap or War Nap or War 0 0 0
7260. Napalm Sticks To Kids Napalm Sticks To Kids 0 0 0
7261. Naquadria Field Theory Naquadria Field Theory 0 0 0
7262. Naraka. Naraka. 0 0 0
7263. Narwhals Ate My Duck Narwhals Ate My Duck 0 0 0
7264. Narwhals Ate My Duck Narwhals Ate My Duck 0 0 0
7265. Narwhals. Narwhals. 0 0 0
7266. Nascent Legion Nascent Legion 0 0 0
7267. Nasty Unicorns Tearing Rectums Alliance Nasty Unicorns Tearing Rectums Alliance 0 0 0
7268. Nasty Unicorns Tearing Rectums Alliance Nasty Unicorns Tearing Rectums Alliance 0 0 0
7269. Natalya Tsero IS EVERYTHING OKAY Natalya Tsero IS EVERYTHING OKAY 0 0 0
7270. Nation. Nation. 0 0 0
7271. Nation. Nation. 0 0 0
7272. National Capital Region National Capital Region 0 0 0
7273. National Development and Reform Commission National Development and Reform Commission 0 0 0
7274. National Space Alliance National Space Alliance 0 0 0
7275. Natural as NattyGraham Natural as NattyGraham 0 0 0
7276. Natural Born Assassins Natural Born Assassins 0 0 0
7277. Natural Born Assassins Natural Born Assassins 0 0 0
7278. Natural Nature Natural Nature 0 0 0
7279. Natural Selection Alliance Natural Selection Alliance 0 0 0
7280. Natural Selection Initiative Natural Selection Initiative 0 0 0
7281. Natural..Selection Alliance Natural..Selection Alliance 0 0 0
7282. Naughty Bits Naughty Bits 0 0 0
7283. Naughty By Nature. Naughty By Nature. 0 0 0
7285. Naughty Robot Alliance Naughty Robot Alliance 0 0 0
7286. Navajazos Expres Inc Navajazos Expres Inc 0 0 0
7287. Navy of Xoc Investment Alliance Navy of Xoc Investment Alliance 0 0 0
7288. Nazguls. Nazguls. 0 0 0
7289. Ndrangheta. Ndrangheta. 0 0 0
7291. Near Ascension Near Ascension 0 0 0
7292. Nearly Awesome. Nearly Awesome. 0 0 0
7293. Nearly Feared Nearly Feared 0 0 0
7294. Nebula Associates Nebula Associates 0 0 0
7295. Nebula Crusade Nebula Crusade 0 0 0
7296. Nebula Industries And Frozen Structures Nebula Industries And Frozen Structures 0 0 0
7297. Nebula Nexus. Nebula Nexus. 0 0 0
7298. Nebulous Storm Nebulous Storm 0 0 0
7299. Nec Aspera Terrent Nec Aspera Terrent 0 0 0
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