Alliances & Corporations

Sov | All | DeadAlliance Ranking - Sorted by number of systems [13727]

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    Alliance Systems Members Corps
1901. CCUSP LPI Alliance CCUSP LPI Alliance 0 0 0
1902. Cede Nullis Cede Nullis 0 0 0
1903. Celestial Coalition Celestial Coalition 0 0 0
1904. Celestial Covenant Alliance Celestial Covenant Alliance 0 0 0
1905. Celestial Extraction Organization Celestial Extraction Organization 0 0 0
1906. Celestial Extraction Organization Celestial Extraction Organization 0 0 0
1907. Celestial Federation Celestial Federation 0 0 0
1908. Celestial Frontier Celestial Frontier 0 0 0
1909. Celestial Imperative Celestial Imperative 0 0 0
1910. Celestial Imperative Celestial Imperative 0 0 0
1911. Celestial Imperative Celestial Imperative 0 0 0
1912. Celestial Industrial Alliance Celestial Industrial Alliance 0 0 0
1913. Celestial Intervention Alliance Celestial Intervention Alliance 0 0 0
1914. Celestial Kingdom Celestial Kingdom 0 0 0
1915. Celestial League of Thugs Celestial League of Thugs 0 0 0
1917. Celestial Palace Celestial Palace 0 0 0
1918. Celestial Shadows Celestial Shadows 0 0 0
1919. Celestial Solarian Celestial Solarian 0 0 0
1920. Celestial Tribesmen Celestial Tribesmen 0 0 0
1921. Celestial.Being Celestial.Being 0 0 0
1922. Celestials In Space Celestials In Space 0 0 0
1923. Celt Alliance Celt Alliance 0 0 0
1924. Celtis Celtis 0 0 0
1925. Cenit Obscenitas Cenit Obscenitas 0 0 0
1926. CentCom CentCom 0 0 0
1928. Centennial Empire Centennial Empire 0 0 0
1929. Center for Disease Creation Center for Disease Creation 0 0 0
1930. Central Command Central Command 0 0 0
1931. Central Directorate of Intelligence Central Directorate of Intelligence 0 0 0
1932. Central Finite Curve Alliance Central Finite Curve Alliance 0 0 0
1933. Central Proctology Agency Central Proctology Agency 0 0 0
1934. Central Trade Union Central Trade Union 0 0 0
1935. Century Ventures Century Ventures 0 0 0
1936. CEO Alliance CEO Alliance 0 0 0
1937. CEO Primary CEO Primary 0 0 0
1938. CEO-Corp Alliance CEO-Corp Alliance 0 0 0
1939. Cerberos Cerberos 0 0 0
1940. Cerberus Conglomerate Cerberus Conglomerate 0 0 0
1942. Cerberus Security Incorporated Cerberus Security Incorporated 0 0 0
1943. Cerberus Unleashed Cerberus Unleashed 0 0 0
1944. Cerberus. Cerberus. 0 0 0
1945. Cerbian Syndicate Cerbian Syndicate 0 0 0
1946. Certificate of Girth Certificate of Girth 0 0 0
1947. Cerulean Order Cerulean Order 0 0 0
1948. Cerv Freeport Alliance Cerv Freeport Alliance 0 0 0
1949. Ch3rry Poppers Ch3rry Poppers 0 0 0
1950. Cha Ching Int. Cha Ching Int. 0 0 0
1951. Cha Ching PLC Cha Ching PLC 0 0 0
1952. Cha Ching Zentralverwaltung Cha Ching Zentralverwaltung 0 0 0
1954. Cha0s Theory Cha0s Theory 0 0 0
1955. Chain of Chaos Chain of Chaos 0 0 0
1956. Chain Smoking Chain Smoking 0 0 0
1957. Chains Of Chaos Chains Of Chaos 0 0 0
1958. Chains Of Chaos Chains Of Chaos 0 0 0
1959. CHALAWAN Alliance CHALAWAN Alliance 0 0 0
1960. Chamacos en Guatemala Chamacos en Guatemala 0 0 0
1961. Chanber of Commerce Chanber of Commerce 0 0 0
1962. Chances of Misfortune Chances of Misfortune 0 0 0
1963. Chanur Alliance Chanur Alliance 0 0 0
1964. Chanur Alliance Chanur Alliance 0 0 0
1965. Chao3 Alliance Chao3 Alliance 0 0 0
1966. Chao3 Alliance Chao3 Alliance 0 0 0
1967. Chaos     Incarnate. Chaos Incarnate. 0 0 0
1968. Chaos Collective Chaos Collective 0 0 0
1969. Chaos Engineers Chaos Engineers 0 0 0
1970. Chaos Hegemony Chaos Hegemony 0 0 0
1971. Chaos Hegemony Alliance Chaos Hegemony Alliance 0 0 0
1972. Chaos of the Fallen Chaos of the Fallen 0 0 0
1973. Chaos of the Fallen Chaos of the Fallen 0 0 0
1974. ChaosTheory. ChaosTheory. 0 0 0
1975. Chaotic Carebears Chaotic Carebears 0 0 0
1976. Chaotic Evolution Chaotic Evolution 0 0 0
1977. Chaotic Forge Chaotic Forge 0 0 0
1978. Chaotic Influence Alliance Chaotic Influence Alliance 0 0 0
1980. Chaotic Syndicate Chaotic Syndicate 0 0 0
1981. Chaotic Tendencies Chaotic Tendencies 0 0 0
1982. Chaotic Workers Chaotic Workers 0 0 0
1983. Chaotic.Neutral Chaotic.Neutral 0 0 0
1984. Chapterhouse Dune Chapterhouse Dune 0 0 0
1985. Chapterhouse Dune Chapterhouse Dune 0 0 0
1986. Chapterhouse Dune Chapterhouse Dune 0 0 0
1987. Chardu Heavy Logistics Group Chardu Heavy Logistics Group 0 0 0
1988. Charged Matrix Charged Matrix 0 0 0
1989. Chariots of the Gods Chariots of the Gods 0 0 0
1990. Charm of symmetry Charm of symmetry 0 0 0
1991. Charok Askore Alliance Charok Askore Alliance 0 0 0
1992. Chasing Whisky Chasing Whisky 0 0 0
1993. Chatters League Chatters League 0 0 0
1994. Chatters League Chatters League 0 0 0
1995. Chaturanga Chaturanga 0 0 0
1996. Checkmate. Checkmate. 0 0 0
1997. Cheese Party Cheese Party 0 0 0
1998. Cheeto Corp Cheeto Corp 0 0 0
1999. Chemal Tech Systems Chemal Tech Systems 0 0 0
2000. Cheytac Intervention R and D Cheytac Intervention R and D 0 0 0
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