Alliances & Corporations

Sov | All | DeadAlliance Ranking - Sorted by number of systems [13727]

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    Alliance Systems Members Corps
2001. Chicken and Waffles. Chicken and Waffles. 0 0 0
2002. Chicken Wings. Chicken Wings. 0 0 0
2003. Chicks with Dicks. Chicks with Dicks. 0 0 0
2004. Chicks with Hics. Chicks with Hics. 0 0 0
2005. Children of Davros Children of Davros 0 0 0
2006. Children of Doom Children of Doom 0 0 0
2007. Children of Geb Children of Geb 0 0 0
2008. Chillaxin Empire Chillaxin Empire 0 0 0
2009. Chilled Steel Alliance Chilled Steel Alliance 0 0 0
2010. China Banana China Banana 0 0 0
2011. China Soul Watchman China Soul Watchman 0 0 0
2012. Choke New Eden Choke New Eden 0 0 0
2013. Choke Point Choke Point 0 0 0
2014. Chor Chron Drom Chor Chron Drom 0 0 0
2015. Christophorus Coalition Christophorus Coalition 0 0 0
2016. Chromosome Missing Chromosome Missing 0 0 0
2017. Chromosome Police Chromosome Police 0 0 0
2018. Chronicles of the Angry Wormholers Chronicles of the Angry Wormholers 0 0 0
2019. Chronos Federation Chronos Federation 0 0 0
2020. Chronospatial Miners Alliance Chronospatial Miners Alliance 0 0 0
2021. Chronostorm Chronostorm 0 0 0
2022. Chuangshi Pilots Association Chuangshi Pilots Association 0 0 0
2023. Chubby Chuppers Chubba Chups Chubby Chuppers Chubba Chups 0 0 0
2024. Chuckxxx's School of Fishing Chuckxxx's School of Fishing 0 0 0
2025. Chum The Waters Chum The Waters 0 0 0
2026. Chum-Association Chum-Association 0 0 0
2027. Church and State Alliance Church and State Alliance 0 0 0
2028. Church of St. Bendosnoot Church of St. Bendosnoot 0 0 0
2029. Chuven Corporation Alliance Chuven Corporation Alliance 0 0 0
2030. Chyllaxyn Empire Chyllaxyn Empire 0 0 0
2031. Cicada. Cicada. 0 0 0
2032. Ciomach Holdings Ciomach Holdings 0 0 0
2033. Circle 0f Two Circle 0f Two 0 0 0
2034. Circle of Salt Circle of Salt 0 0 0
2035. Circle of Steel Circle of Steel 0 0 0
2036. Circle of the Shadows Circle of the Shadows 0 0 0
2037. Circle-Of-Loyalty Circle-Of-Loyalty 0 0 0
2038. Circular Reasoning Circular Reasoning 0 0 0
2039. Circus Animals Circus Animals 0 0 0
2041. Citadel Defence Citadel Defence 0 0 0
2042. Citex Alliance Citex Alliance 0 0 0
2043. Citizen 1013242 Corporation Alliance Citizen 1013242 Corporation Alliance 0 0 0
2044. Citizen of New Eden. Citizen of New Eden. 0 0 0
2045. Citizens Citizens 0 0 0
2046. Citizens Citizens 0 0 0
2047. Citizens OF New Eden. Citizens OF New Eden. 0 0 0
2048. Citizens of Nowhere Citizens of Nowhere 0 0 0
2049. Citizens of the Void Citizens of the Void 0 0 0
2050. Citizens Squads Citizens Squads 0 0 0
2051. Citizens Squads Citizens Squads 0 0 0
2052. Citizens United Citizens United 0 0 0
2053. City of Angels. City of Angels. 0 0 0
2054. Citys of Angels Citys of Angels 0 0 0
2055. CL Coalition CL Coalition 0 0 0
2056. Claimed. Claimed. 0 0 0
2057. Clan Cavebear Clan Cavebear 0 0 0
2058. Clan of stateless Alliance Clan of stateless Alliance 0 0 0
2059. Clandestine Desideratum Clandestine Desideratum 0 0 0
2060. Clandestine Encounters Clandestine Encounters 0 0 0
2061. Clandestine Wetwork Clandestine Wetwork 0 0 0
2062. Clandestine Wetworks INC. Clandestine Wetworks INC. 0 0 0
2063. Clandestine. Clandestine. 0 0 0
2064. Claptrap Claptrap 0 0 0
2065. Class Act Cartel Class Act Cartel 0 0 0
2066. Claws ''R'' Us Claws ''R'' Us 0 0 0
2067. Clear Skies Darkening Clear Skies Darkening 0 0 0
2068. Clear Vision Alliance Clear Vision Alliance 0 0 0
2069. Clearly Confused. Clearly Confused. 0 0 0
2070. Clearly Unconventional Meatshield Clearly Unconventional Meatshield 0 0 0
2071. Cleptomaniacs Cleptomaniacs 0 0 0
2072. Cleveland Steamship Co. Cleveland Steamship Co. 0 0 0
2073. Clever Use of Alt Alliance Clever Use of Alt Alliance 0 0 0
2074. Clever Use of Game Mechanics. Clever Use of Game Mechanics. 0 0 0
2075. Click it to win Subsidiaries Click it to win Subsidiaries 0 0 0
2076. Cloaked Army of Shadows Cloaked Army of Shadows 0 0 0
2077. Cloaked. Cloaked. 0 0 0
2078. Cloaked. Cloaked. 0 0 0
2079. Cloaky Intentions Cloaky Intentions 0 0 0
2080. Clockwork AM Clockwork AM 0 0 0
2081. ClockWork Orang3 ClockWork Orang3 0 0 0
2082. Clockwork Pineapple Clockwork Pineapple 0 0 0
2083. Clone Empire Clone Empire 0 0 0
2084. Clone Vat Clone Vat 0 0 0
2085. Cloning Gone Wrong Cloning Gone Wrong 0 0 0
2086. Cloud 7 Nebulosa Cloud 7 Nebulosa 0 0 0
2087. Cloud Chasers United Cloud Chasers United 0 0 0
2088. Cloud Developments Networks Cloud Developments Networks 0 0 0
2089. Clouds Of War Clouds Of War 0 0 0
2090. Cloven Star Consortium Cloven Star Consortium 0 0 0
2091. Clover Street Clover Street 0 0 0
2092. Clown Punchers Syndicate Clown Punchers Syndicate 0 0 0
2093. Clowns of Chaos Clowns of Chaos 0 0 0
2094. Clownz'R'Us Clownz'R'Us 0 0 0
2095. CltadeI CltadeI 0 0 0
2096. Cluster Fack Coalition. Cluster Fack Coalition. 0 0 0
2097. Cluster Of Rebirth Cluster Of Rebirth 0 0 0
2098. Clustering illusions Clustering illusions 0 0 0
2099. Cmertniki Alliance Cmertniki Alliance 0 0 0
2100. CMR International CMR International 0 0 0
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