Alliances & Corporations

Sov | All | DeadAlliance Ranking - Sorted by number of systems [13735]

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    Alliance Systems Members Corps
13101. Virtual Alliance Core Virtual Alliance Core 0 0 0
13102. Virtual Nobility Virtual Nobility 0 0 0
13103. Virtual-Empire Virtual-Empire 0 0 0
13104. Virtue of Selfishness Virtue of Selfishness 0 0 0
13105. Virtue of Selfishness Virtue of Selfishness 0 0 0
13106. Virtue of Selfishness Virtue of Selfishness 0 0 0
13107. Virtue of Selfishness Virtue of Selfishness 0 0 0
13108. Virtues of our Mothers Virtues of our Mothers 0 0 0
13109. Virulence Factor. Virulence Factor. 0 0 0
13110. Virulence-Factor Virulence-Factor 0 0 0
13111. Vis Canis Lupi Vis Canis Lupi 0 0 0
13112. Viscera Cleanup Detail Viscera Cleanup Detail 0 0 0
13113. Visegrad Group Visegrad Group 0 0 0
13114. Vision Alliance Vision Alliance 0 0 0
13115. Visionaries of Iron Visionaries of Iron 0 0 0
13116. Visions of Warfare Visions of Warfare 0 0 0
13117. Visions of Warfare Visions of Warfare 0 0 0
13118. Vita Mihi Mors Est Vita Mihi Mors Est 0 0 0
13119. Vitae Deum Vitae Deum 0 0 0
13120. Vital Core Exhumers Industrial Coalition Vital Core Exhumers Industrial Coalition 0 0 0
13121. Vital Organs Vital Organs 0 0 0
13123. Vitoc Alliance and Associates Inc Vitoc Alliance and Associates Inc 0 0 0
13124. Vitoc Health Services Vitoc Health Services 0 0 0
13125. Vityazi Alliance Vityazi Alliance 0 0 0
13126. Vityazi Alliance Vityazi Alliance 0 0 0
13127. Vivisection. Vivisection. 0 0 0
13128. Vivre Un Cauchemar Vivre Un Cauchemar 0 0 0
13129. Vltima Machina Industries L.L.C. Vltima Machina Industries L.L.C. 0 0 0
13132. Vogsphere HQ Vogsphere HQ 0 0 0
13133. Voice of Space Voice of Space 0 0 0
13134. Voice of the Void Voice of the Void 0 0 0
13135. Voices of a Distant Star Voices of a Distant Star 0 0 0
13136. Void Conglomerate Void Conglomerate 0 0 0
13137. Void Court Void Court 0 0 0
13138. Void Dragon Federation Void Dragon Federation 0 0 0
13139. Void Drifters Void Drifters 0 0 0
13140. Void Exchange Void Exchange 0 0 0
13141. Void Nation Void Nation 0 0 0
13142. Void Pirates Void Pirates 0 0 0
13143. Void Regulation Alliance Void Regulation Alliance 0 0 0
13144. Void Republic Void Republic 0 0 0
13145. Void Republic Void Republic 0 0 0
13146. Void Republic Void Republic 0 0 0
13147. Void-Legion Void-Legion 0 0 0
13148. Void. Void. 0 0 0
13149. Void.. Void.. 0 0 0
13150. Voidlings. Voidlings. 0 0 0
13151. VOLTA Corp VOLTA Corp 0 0 0
13152. Voluntarily Celibate Voluntarily Celibate 0 0 0
13153. Voodoo Conglomerate Voodoo Conglomerate 0 0 0
13154. Voodoo Groove Voodoo Groove 0 0 0
13155. VooDoo international VooDoo international 0 0 0
13156. Voodoo Tribes Voodoo Tribes 0 0 0
13157. Voodoo Zombie Posse Voodoo Zombie Posse 0 0 0
13159. Vorpal's Edge Vorpal's Edge 0 0 0
13160. Vort3x. Vort3x. 0 0 0
13161. Vortek Federation Vortek Federation 0 0 0
13162. Vortex Alliance Vortex Alliance 0 0 0
13163. Vortex Command Corporation Alliance Vortex Command Corporation Alliance 0 0 0
13166. Voth Assembly Voth Assembly 0 0 0
13167. Vow of Valor Vow of Valor 0 0 0
13168. Vox Populi. Vox Populi. 0 0 0
13169. Voxis Accord Voxis Accord 0 0 0
13170. Voynich Intelligence Agency Voynich Intelligence Agency 0 0 0
13171. Voynich Merc Alliance Voynich Merc Alliance 0 0 0
13172. Voynich Mercenary Alliance Voynich Mercenary Alliance 0 0 0
13173. VP Consortium VP Consortium 0 0 0
13174. VP Gaming Alliance VP Gaming Alliance 0 0 0
13175. Vukkei Combine Vukkei Combine 0 0 0
13176. Vulgar Display of Brilliance Vulgar Display of Brilliance 0 0 0
13177. Vulkaran Coalition Vulkaran Coalition 0 0 0
13178. Vulkaran Empire Vulkaran Empire 0 0 0
13180. VYRIY VYRIY 0 0 0
13181. W A H E E L A W A H E E L A 0 0 0
13182. W A R B I R D S W A R B I R D S 0 0 0
13183. W A R L O R D W A R L O R D 0 0 0
13184. W A R M A C H I N E W A R M A C H I N E 0 0 0
13185. W A S T E  L A N D W A S T E L A N D 0 0 0
13186. W I Z Z A R D S W I Z Z A R D S 0 0 0
13187. W R M H L R S W R M H L R S 0 0 0
13188. W-Space Citizen W-Space Citizen 0 0 0
13189. W-Space Citizens W-Space Citizens 0 0 0
13190. W.A.S. Alliance - Weapons Armor or Shield W.A.S. Alliance - Weapons Armor or Shield 0 0 0
13191. W.A.S.T.Y.A. W.A.S.T.Y.A. 0 0 0
13192. W.E. Alliance W.E. Alliance 0 0 0
13193. W.E.B W.E.B 0 0 0
13194. W.E.T W.E.T 0 0 0
13195. W.R.A.T.H. We recycle all the Hightech W.R.A.T.H. We recycle all the Hightech 0 0 0
13196. Wacky Wavy Inflatable TCU Wacky Wavy Inflatable TCU 0 0 0
13197. Waffen clan Silmarillion Alliance Waffen clan Silmarillion Alliance 0 0 0
13198. Waffle Monsters Inc.. Waffle Monsters Inc.. 0 0 0
13199. Waiting For The Worms Waiting For The Worms 0 0 0
13200. Waiting To Die Waiting To Die 0 0 0
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