Alliances & Corporations

Sov | All | DeadAlliance Ranking - Sorted by number of systems [13634]

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    Alliance Systems Members Corps
7101. Mournival Alliance Mournival Alliance 0 0 0
7102. Mouth Trumpet Cavalry Mouth Trumpet Cavalry 0 0 0
7103. Move Along Alliance Move Along Alliance 0 0 0
7104. Moves Well Moves Well 0 0 0
7105. Moxie Alliance Moxie Alliance 0 0 0
7106. Mozart Inc Alliance Mozart Inc Alliance 0 0 0
7107. MPA MPA 0 0 0
7108. Mr Freeze. Mr Freeze. 0 0 0
7109. Muderous Mindset Muderous Mindset 0 0 0
7110. Muff Miners Consortium Muff Miners Consortium 0 0 0
7111. Muffins Of Mayhem Muffins Of Mayhem 0 0 0
7112. Muffins of Mayhem Muffins of Mayhem 0 0 0
7113. MuffinSwarm MuffinSwarm 0 0 0
7114. Muffled Gorilla Violence Muffled Gorilla Violence 0 0 0
7115. Muffy Inc. Muffy Inc. 0 0 0
7116. Mule's Galactic Logistics Mule's Galactic Logistics 0 0 0
7117. Multicultural F1 Brigade Multicultural F1 Brigade 0 0 0
7118. Multicultural F1 Brigade Multicultural F1 Brigade 0 0 0
7119. Multicultural Industrial and Combat Alliance Multicultural Industrial and Combat Alliance 0 0 0
7120. Multiplanetary United Multiplanetary United 0 0 0
7121. Multiplanetary United Multiplanetary United 0 0 0
7122. Multiple Sargasm Multiple Sargasm 0 0 0
7123. Multitaskers. Multitaskers. 0 0 0
7124. Munkey Militia Munkey Militia 0 0 0
7125. Munkey Militia Munkey Militia 0 0 0
7126. Muppets Alliance Muppets Alliance 0 0 0
7127. Murder Hornet Coalition Murder Hornet Coalition 0 0 0
7128. Murder Hornet Coalition Murder Hornet Coalition 0 0 0
7129. Murder Inc. Gaming Murder Inc. Gaming 0 0 0
7130. Murder. Death. Kill. Murder. Death. Kill. 0 0 0
7131. Murderous Mindset Murderous Mindset 0 0 0
7132. Mushopia Alliance Mushopia Alliance 0 0 0
7133. Muska Tear's Muska Tear's 0 0 0
7134. Mutiny. Mutiny. 0 0 0
7135. Mutual and Absolute Destruction Mutual and Absolute Destruction 0 0 0
7136. Mutual Assured Destruction Mutual Assured Destruction 0 0 0
7137. Mutual Assured Destruction Mutual Assured Destruction 0 0 0
7138. Mutual Assured Destruction Mutual Assured Destruction 0 0 0
7139. Mutual Security. Mutual Security. 0 0 0
7140. Mutually Assured Destruction. Mutually Assured Destruction. 0 0 0
7141. Mutually Disinterested Mutually Disinterested 0 0 0
7142. Mutualy Assured Destruction LLC Mutualy Assured Destruction LLC 0 0 0
7143. My Alliance My Alliance 0 0 1
7144. My Girlfriend Uncloaked My Ship My Girlfriend Uncloaked My Ship 0 0 0
7145. My Mom Says BIobbing Is Bad My Mom Says BIobbing Is Bad 0 0 0
7146. My Mom Says Blobbing Is Bad My Mom Says Blobbing Is Bad 0 0 0
7147. My Nuts. My Nuts. 0 0 0
7148. Myndbender Labs Inc. Myndbender Labs Inc. 0 0 0
7149. Myriad Alliance Myriad Alliance 0 0 0
7151. Myth . Myth . 0 0 0
7152. MythFleet Republic MythFleet Republic 0 0 0
7153. Mythical Creatures of New Eden Mythical Creatures of New Eden 0 0 0
7154. N E M E S I S N E M E S I S 0 0 0
7155. N E M E S I S N E M E S I S 0 0 0
7156. N E P H N E P H 0 0 0
7157. N E P H I L I M N E P H I L I M 0 0 0
7158. N E V E R M O R E N E V E R M O R E 0 0 0
7159. N E X U S N E X U S 0 0 0
7160. N I G H T F A L L N I G H T F A L L 0 0 0
7161. N O V A N O V A 0 0 0
7162. N O V A N O V A 0 0 0
7163. N Y A Alliance N Y A Alliance 0 0 0
7164. N-Droid N-Droid 0 0 0
7165. N.A.S.A N.A.S.A 0 0 0
7166. N.E.M.E.S.I.S. N.E.M.E.S.I.S. 0 0 0
7167. N.E.P.A. N.E.P.A. 0 0 0
7168. N.E.S.T Alliance N.E.S.T Alliance 0 0 0
7169. N.E.S.T Corporation N.E.S.T Corporation 0 0 0
7170. N.O.B.O.D.Y. N.O.B.O.D.Y. 0 0 0
7171. N.O.L.B. N.O.L.B. 0 0 0
7172. N.O.M.A.D.S N.O.M.A.D.S 0 0 0
7173. N.O.M.A.D.S. N.O.M.A.D.S. 0 0 0
7174. N.O.R.T.H. Alliance N.O.R.T.H. Alliance 0 0 0
7175. N0.Limit N0.Limit 0 0 0
7177. N0BULLSH1T Alliance N0BULLSH1T Alliance 0 0 0
7178. N0FUN N0FUN 0 0 0
7179. N0mads.. N0mads.. 0 0 0
7180. N0T Hostile. N0T Hostile. 0 0 0
7181. N0t Quite Immortal N0t Quite Immortal 0 0 0
7182. N0thing To See Here N0thing To See Here 0 0 0
7183. N1ghtravens N1ghtravens 0 0 0
7185. NAB's Anonymous NAB's Anonymous 0 0 0
7186. Nach der Arbeit Gamers Alliance Nach der Arbeit Gamers Alliance 0 0 0
7187. Nailoong Mafia Nailoong Mafia 0 0 0
7188. Naked And Belligerent Naked And Belligerent 0 0 0
7189. Naked Cowboys Naked Cowboys 0 0 0
7190. Naked Drunk and Immortal Naked Drunk and Immortal 0 0 0
7191. Naloran Project Naloran Project 0 0 0
7192. Namaili Pirates Namaili Pirates 0 0 0
7193. Name Pending Approval Name Pending Approval 0 0 0
7194. Name Pending Coalition Name Pending Coalition 0 0 0
7195. Name Pending Coalition Name Pending Coalition 0 0 0
7196. Name Pending Coalition Name Pending Coalition 0 0 0
7197. Name Pending.. Name Pending.. 0 0 0
7198. Namtz' aar K'in Namtz' aar K'in 0 0 0
7199. Namtz'aar k'in Namtz'aar k'in 0 0 0
7200. Nan Roig Alliance Nan Roig Alliance 0 0 0
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