Alliances & Corporations

Sov | All | DeadAlliance Ranking - Sorted by number of systems [13727]

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    Alliance Systems Members Corps
4601. Gemini Whale United Gemini Whale United 0 0 0
4602. Genentech Alliance Genentech Alliance 0 0 0
4603. Genentech. Genentech. 0 0 0
4604. General Dissatisfaction General Dissatisfaction 0 0 0
4605. General Panic. General Panic. 0 0 0
4606. Generation X Alliance Generation X Alliance 0 0 0
4607. Generic Alliance Generic Alliance 0 0 0
4608. Generic Alliance Name Generic Alliance Name 0 0 0
4609. Genesis Alliance Genesis Alliance 0 0 0
4610. Genesis Alliance Genesis Alliance 0 0 0
4611. Genesis Foundation Genesis Foundation 0 0 0
4612. Genesis II Genesis II 0 0 0
4613. Genesis Industrial Foundation Genesis Industrial Foundation 0 0 0
4614. Genesis Invictus Genesis Invictus 0 0 0
4615. Genesis Regional Mining Genesis Regional Mining 0 0 0
4616. Genetic Metals Alliance Genetic Metals Alliance 0 0 0
4617. Genocide of New Eden Genocide of New Eden 0 0 0
4618. Genocides' Of New Eden Genocides' Of New Eden 0 0 0
4619. Gentlemen's Club Gentlemen's Club 0 0 0
4620. Gentlemen's Interstellar Nightclub Gentlemen's Interstellar Nightclub 0 0 0
4621. Gentlemen-Of-Fortune Gentlemen-Of-Fortune 0 0 0
4622. Gentlemens Coalition Gentlemens Coalition 0 0 0
4623. Genx 7 Genx 7 0 0 0
4624. Geonosis Industrial Foundries Geonosis Industrial Foundries 0 0 0
4626. GER0DIAN GER0DIAN 0 0 0
4627. Gerbil Space Program Gerbil Space Program 0 0 0
4628. Geriatric Mafia Geriatric Mafia 0 0 0
4629. Geriatric Soldiers Geriatric Soldiers 0 0 0
4630. Geriatrics Fight Club Geriatrics Fight Club 0 0 0
4631. German - Wings German - Wings 0 0 0
4632. German Army Of The Night German Army Of The Night 0 0 0
4633. German Block Alliance German Block Alliance 0 0 0
4634. German Coalition German Coalition 0 0 0
4635. German Confederation of Galaxies German Confederation of Galaxies 0 0 0
4636. German Experimentale Organisation German Experimentale Organisation 0 0 0
4637. German Federation of Corps German Federation of Corps 0 0 0
4638. German Federation of Industry German Federation of Industry 0 0 0
4640. German Freakshow German Freakshow 0 0 0
4641. German Freakshow German Freakshow 0 0 0
4642. German Freakshow German Freakshow 0 0 0
4643. German Friends Corp Allianz German Friends Corp Allianz 0 0 0
4644. German Information Network Alliance German Information Network Alliance 0 0 0
4645. German Underground German Underground 0 0 0
4646. Germanwings Germanwings 0 0 0
4647. GermanyynamreG AG GermanyynamreG AG 0 0 0
4648. GermanyynamreG Alliance GermanyynamreG Alliance 0 0 0
4649. GERPI Economic Solutions GERPI Economic Solutions 0 0 0
4650. Gerup Gerak Khas Gerup Gerak Khas 0 0 0
4651. Gesheft protocol Gesheft protocol 0 0 0
4652. Get Certified. Get Certified. 0 0 0
4653. Get in the Van. Get in the Van. 0 0 0
4654. Get Off My Lawn Get Off My Lawn 0 0 0
4655. Get off my mom Get off my mom 0 0 0
4657. Get Your Own Empire Get Your Own Empire 0 0 0
4658. Gete-aya'aa Ogichidaa Gete-aya'aa Ogichidaa 0 0 0
4659. Getting There... Eventually... Getting There... Eventually... 0 0 0
4660. GFORCE Enterprises Alliance GFORCE Enterprises Alliance 0 0 0
4661. gggjjho' fdhjh Alliance gggjjho' fdhjh Alliance 0 0 0
4662. Gh0sts in the Darkness Gh0sts in the Darkness 0 0 0
4663. Ghetto Security Services Ghetto Security Services 0 0 0
4664. GHOST Alliance GHOST Alliance 0 0 0
4665. Ghost Company Initiative Ghost Company Initiative 0 0 0
4666. Ghost Fleet Alliance Ghost Fleet Alliance 0 0 0
4667. Ghost Nation Federation Eve University Ghost Nation Federation Eve University 0 0 0
4669. Ghost Riderz In The Sky Ghost Riderz In The Sky 0 0 0
4670. Ghost Syndicate Ghost Syndicate 0 0 0
4671. Ghost Syndicate. Ghost Syndicate. 0 0 0
4672. Ghost Wing. Ghost Wing. 0 0 0
4673. Ghost's from the Abyss Ghost's from the Abyss 0 0 0
4674. Ghostfleet Ghostfleet 0 0 0
4675. Ghostly Fleet Ghostly Fleet 0 0 0
4676. Ghosts of Avalon Ghosts of Avalon 0 0 0
4677. Ghosts of Deep Space Ghosts of Deep Space 0 0 0
4678. Ghosts of the Hallowed Sword Ghosts of the Hallowed Sword 0 0 0
4679. Ghosts Syndicate Ghosts Syndicate 0 0 0
4680. Giant Homosexual Alcoholics Giant Homosexual Alcoholics 0 0 0
4681. Giant Space Amoeba Giant Space Amoeba 0 0 0
4683. Gigantic Tragedy Alliance Gigantic Tragedy Alliance 0 0 0
4684. Giggling Bandits Gaming Giggling Bandits Gaming 0 0 0
4685. Gilead Dark Tower Gilead Dark Tower 0 0 0
4686. Gimmie Da Loot Gimmie Da Loot 0 0 0
4687. Gin And Jews Gin And Jews 0 0 0
4688. GIP Alliance GIP Alliance 0 0 0
4689. Giron Group Giron Group 0 0 0
4690. Giron Group Giron Group 0 0 0
4691. Git-R-Done Inc Git-R-Done Inc 0 0 0
4692. Gl0rious Bastards Gl0rious Bastards 0 0 0
4693. Glacial Mass Mafia Glacial Mass Mafia 0 0 0
4694. Glacier Peak Glacier Peak 0 0 0
4695. Glamour Syndicate Glamour Syndicate 0 0 0
4696. Glitch Mob Glitch Mob 0 0 0
4697. Glitter n Gold Glitter n Gold 0 0 0
4698. Global ANZUS Global ANZUS 0 0 0
4699. Global Disorder Global Disorder 0 0 0
4700. Global Federation Global Federation 0 0 0
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